Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lesson on making your first million

"Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spent" - Thomas Stanley, The Millionaire Next Door

Hard-work, perseverance, planning, goal oriented, self-disciplined

Like all sports, must learn to play offense (earning) and defense (saving)

Know the difference between Income and Wealth.

Don't be a cowboy with "big hat, but no cattle"

Taxes are the greatest expense of your life time.

Concentrate on building cashflow over realized income.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Subjectivity and ambiguity are essence of Art - "仁者見仁 智者見智, 在欣賞永遠是作品的再創造"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

"You have to commit an enormous number of hours and hard work. Then, you have to make sure you're prepared to work that much harder to bring it to another level." - Rebecca MacDonald, Just Energy Income Fund

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Heart Talk

"While the heard itself is hidden, the acts it inspires are there for everyone to see." - Michael Jordan, induction speech to the Basketball Hall of Fame

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why not to shop for Christmas: the Economy of Consumption

Our current economy is based on models of consumption, i.e. more consumed = more profit....but the critical issue we eventually have to arrive at is the fact that our resources are finite; the day we run out of resource is the day our economy stops avoid this we must come up with an economic model based on conservation over consumption, where the values (both economically and morally) are generated in the amount we give back instead of taken....

With the rising concern of climate crisis, we are preaching the tipping point where consumption will no longer have as much economic benefit (both short-term and long) as it used to have (theory of diminishing return: where it will take more in the future than now to achieve the equivalent desired effects)

The future challenge lies in our ability to build an economic system that profits from conservation, not consumption, Carbon Trading is a start.

"Our needs are little, yet our wants are always infinite."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Edward de Bono in 5

1. "Proof may be no more than the lack of imagination."

2. "The natural tendency of mind is toward certainty, security and arrogance...We need to pay equal attention to possibility...possibility is the key to creativity."

3. "Information may be about facts, but the way the information is seen is a matter of perception."

4. "We are very happy with what we have because we cannot conceive of anything better- and until we can conceive of something better we are not motivated to look for it."

5. "When everything becomes a commodity what is going to matter is the ability to design and deliver values. That needs creative and design thinking."

- Edward de Bono, an expert on creative thinking


"Fear limits our options, strangles creativity, restricts our vision of what is possible. If we're lost in fear, we view any change as a threat, and the unfamiliar as a mortal enemy."- Michelle Graves

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

恩人們...我一定 - 忘不了




只有你和我, 直到永~遠


Friday, November 6, 2009

Li Ka-Shing in 5

1. "The strength of a nation and its people depend on education and medical care. These are the country's roots. And like a tree, the deeper its roots, the more flourishing its branches and foliage."

2. "You can use your skills to earn respect, but you will only touch others with your contributions."

3. "Perhaps the key to success is to identify your moral and intellectual coordinates. A life without principles is a life without direction."

4. "I believe in freedom as I believe in responsibility."

5. "Your life is meaningful if you can honestly say that you have done your best to do some good."

- Li Ka-Shing - Chairman, Cheung Kong & Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"You can't improve unless you want to improve." - Lebron James

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Advice from the Dragons

Robert Herjavec, CEO - Herjavec Group (internet security):

"Work hard, have fun, be nice, play fair, dream big. We only get one chance at this, one life to live. If you're going to play this game, play it to win."

Brett Wilson, Chairman - Prairie Merchant (Venture Capital):

"Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be better."

" is about balancing passion with priorities. Simply being excited is wandering aimlessly. And a plan with no passion is empty."

Kevin O'Leary, O'Leary Funds:

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You have to get up in the morning after the worst day you ever had and go back to work."

"It's true that money doesn't buy you happiness, but it sure makes misery a lot easier to take."
"None of us own our lives - we are all living on borrowed time, if you're going to do it - do it now!" - Oprah

Saturday, October 17, 2009

"你可以感動人, 哪怕你的(歌唱)技巧沒有那摸會轉,成熟, 那都還成立. 可是不管你如何會轉, 但都不感人, 對我來說是沒用的"- 林隆旋

Friday, October 16, 2009

Power of '1'

"Somethings you just can't achieve alone. But like all other things, they started from 1 person." - Seth Godin

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"You are the authority of what's not possible" - Vincent Antoine Freeman

Saturday, October 3, 2009

"假的東西永遠都會被真的沖掉" - 蔡琴

Monday, September 21, 2009

生於憂患 死於安樂

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pursuit of happiness

Most kids can do what they desired and feel happy about it, while most of us (adults) can't without thinking about consequences that our actions might bring (both good or bad). You could say that on one hand, kids are more naive/ imature/ selfish/ over-optimistic by ignoring or unable to think ahead of their actions. But the truth is that these atitudes are what makes kids happier than most of us. Certainly, it is the process of doing what one desired that makes one feel very very happy. In the world where "i wish i could do this if....", "i want to, but its going to..." "I couldn't do it because..." are more often spoken, sadness and dissapointments reign over happieness. I certainly hope 10, 20, 50 years later, or at the time when i look back at my life, it would be filled with a plethora of happy moments, I think most of us would desire that as well.... then what's holding us back from being more happy? Perhaps at times, unlike kids on the other hand, we are too sophisticated/ matured/ unselfish/ and over-pessimistic. Dont just get disobliged or intimidated over the possible results, enjoy the process of doing what is desired.

"We hold these truth to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." - Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, August 30, 2009


就是請你Leave me alone


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Power of Nature

"As I took in the scene, I realized my own littleness, my helplessness, my dread exposure to destruction, my inability to cope with or even comprehend the mighty architecture of nature..." - Nathaniel P. Langford, 1870

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sensational beauty

"You recognize some thing to be beautiful before you recognize what it is." - Mark Gage

Beauty is often a pure sensational/subconscious experience autonomous from its actual subject matter. It is not till you recognize something being beautiful that you start seeking reasons to why it is so.

Monday, July 27, 2009

"its nice to be important, but even more important to be nice" - Peter Li

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Client point of view

"Our relationship to architecture is less that of a driver to a vehicle than of a consumer to a meal. The consumer (inhabitants) is concerned not with the evolutionary process and pressures that lead an animal (building) to take a certain form but with what tastes and textures results from that process (such as atmosphere)." - Reiser Umemoto Architects in Atlas of Novel Tectonics

What makes a building appreciative by the inhabitants is not necessarily the methodologies and techniques implemented during the process of creating the project, but the (perceivable) environmental qualities given as the result of using these methodologies and techniques. Inhabitants must feel the difference.

Driver to vehicle: Eisenman's House Series
Consumer to meal: OMA's Seattle Library.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"...當人心變成市場 市場變成戰場 戰場埋葬多少理想
回想著理想稀薄的希望 走著鋼索我的剛強..."- 阿信/五月天

10/90 Rule

10% of movies at Hollywood Box office occupies 90% of ticket sales
10% of available online music accounts for 90% of total downloads
10% of dvds in Netflix inventory gets rented more than 1000 times a quarter year

The hit-driven culture thus explains why 10% of population controls 90% of wealth

but all that is changing....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

MAD on Context

"建筑師在爭議說應不應該建造有地方特色的房子。我覺得那不是建筑師要負擔的責任,因為一個地方的特色 本來就存在了,所有老的、有價值的文化載體,除了建筑屋,還有其他的東西。我們要做的,是考慮當代社會需要什么,然後做未來的東西,那樣你才能把這個地區 的Identity一步一步推前走,讓這個地方更丰富。...我們活著是為了未來,但是我們需要知道歷史,老房子是我們生活的一部分,但是用不著大家都生活在過去。我們了解過去是為了知道以後要怎樣生活,但是為了正確的往前走,我們則要了解歷史." - 馬岩松, Mad Architects

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creative Endurance

"As the careers of numerous writers, singers, and business people demonstrate, the true test of creativity isn't the first hit product. It's coming up with a second success." - Martin Peers, the Wall Street Journal

Monday, July 6, 2009

Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism means learning not to say 'No'

Saying "Yes" opens up new set of possibilities

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"遇到問題時要 面對 接受 處理 放下" - 小鐘

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Age of Recommendation

"We are leaving the Information Age and entering the Recommendation Age. Today information is ridiculously easy to get; you practically trip over it on the street. Information gathering is no longer the issue-making smart decisions based on the information is now the trick... Recommendations serve as shortcuts through the thicket of information, just as my wine shop owner shortcuts me to obscure French wines to enjoy with pasta. " - Trend-watchers at Frog Design

Web 1.0: They were the Producers who generate information as much as they could - websites, blogs
Web 1.5: they were the Distributors who makes informations reachable to as many as possible - search engines like Google, youtube
Web 2.0: and lately they become the Tastemakers, who directs people/traffic to specific information via reviews/ratings/tags/links/embeds/etc, based on their own opinions and self-interests - social networking programs, Diggs, stumbleUpon, technorati,etc

"Your products and your customers are your ads, and so are your employess." Robert Scoble,

Even Joshua Bell can't escape consumerism

Joshua Bell the violinist performing in Washington DC Subway:

What commodification does is teaching people to read labels, dollar signs and brands to determine what's valuable: A performance given by Joshua Bell at the National Theater with tickets sold at hundreds of dollars drew sell-out crowds, while the same performance given for Free at the subway station the very next day caught no attention and interests in the crowd, except for one girl in the end, who happened to recognize Bell initially via his previous appearance, but still not his work. Consumerism can sometime blind our perceptions in discovering the real value that often constructs those labels/dollars/brands.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"當你看的懂 聽的懂 一見事情 一個道理以後, 並不代表你會.
當你會的時候, 並不代表你會做的很好.
當你做的很好以後, 並不代表你做的最好."
- 郭建良, album producer

Monday, June 22, 2009

Collective Design Intelligence

" I don't suggest that design should be a democracy. But shouldn't design at least be a conversation? Designers can put their ideas on the web. Customers can make suggestions and discuss them. Designers can take the best ideas and adapt them, giving credit where it is due." - Jeff Jarvis

Although Starchitects and single authorship will probably never disappear in the design industry, however, as our world becomes more flattened and interconnected due to hardware (broadband, wifi, smart phones, portable notebooks, etc) and software (social networking, blogs, Google) ubiquity, the number of off-mainstream & off-the-shelf design opportunities for the amateur or the 'not-yet-famous' becomes greater.

A decade later
Starchitects will continue to serve the rich and powerful elites, covering 5 % of total commissions & clients...and diminishing, but its the Emergent Designers who will accommodate the needs of the mass of niches, which accounts for the rest 95%...and increasing, meaning if a portion of niches are gathered, they will combined to achieve more significant cultural influence over a major starchitects' project. Chris Anderson's Long Tail theory has been true in movies, music, and publishing industry, design might also be true. Whats for sure is that Internet allows present and future of design process to run on open-meritocracy over hierarchy.

Design is in the service industry

Observe changes in which other disciplines are conducting their businesses and innovative means of establishing relationships with public and ask potential clients "How may I help them to make what they wish to do Better?"

Saturday, June 20, 2009


躲避球 操場 運動會 畫畫 月考 早自習 營養午餐 糾察隊 打手心 訓導處 娃娃車 涼麵 小龍包 麥克雞塊 七龍珠 蠟筆小星 櫻木花道 大雄 297公車

童年就像這首歌很輕鬆愉快 度過無憂無慮的時光...





用黑板上的日期 倒數找妳
慢慢清晰 原來思念妳
我用鉛筆 畫的很仔細
素描那年天氣 蟬鳴的夏季

我可以一路開心到底 都不換氣
戴竹蜻蜓 穿過那森林
打開了任意門找到妳 一起旅行
妳我翻滾過的榻榻米 味道熟悉
所有回憶 在小叮噹口袋裡


Monday, June 8, 2009

Meaning of "Just do It."

Employees of Nike are told by their managers to better seek 'forgiveness' than 'permission', so just do it !
"Sometimes, success can blind you to the oncoming possibility of failure. And fear of failure can keep you from success." - Jeff Jarvis

Friday, June 5, 2009


"Architecture is like the soundtrack of a movie; it controls the way we feel about the movie, although we never quite pay attention to it. We are always giving credit to the actors, producers, cinematographers, but its really the music in the background that tells us the plot and how to feel." - Jeffrey Kipnis
"Success seems to be largely a matter of Hanging On after others have let go" - Willim Feather
"Future is here, its just not evenly distributed" - William Gibson, writer

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Capitalism 2.0

Internet is changing the fundamental principles of our economy by providing an alternative way in which businesses are formed, run, and profit under the new principles that now we call Capitalism 2.0. The old rule of generating 'scarcity' under capitalism 1.0 has been replaced by managing 'abundance' under capitalism 2.0 made possible by the internet. This change, so far, is most evident in the media retailer industry. Traditional music, book, and dvd rental stores provide a finite amount of shelving spaces, limiting the amount of products each could carry in the store. This 'scarcity' drives the product prices high because the producers had to competitively bid and pay higher rent to get their products on the shelf. However, internet changed all that; music, books, and dvd's are now digitized into mp3, pdf, and mov which takes almost no physical space to store. This allows new generation of stores to carry much more music, books, and videos than their previous non-web based. Rhapsody, online music download store carries over 1.5 million tracks, that's 150 times more than a traditional cd store you see in the malls. Plus its price - $13/month for unlimited downloads, is equivalent to cost of a cd you buy at HMV. Amazon has over 3.7 million books and digital books, while hosts over 1.3 million misc. product sellers online. Netflix carries 55000 dvds through mail and 12,000 movies via online streaming. Customers can access all of these titles at $9/month, who would want to go to Blockbuster? With internet, stores like these become capable of storing infinite quantities of products catering to an extremely wide-range of global customers, at minimal prices (because inventory is no longer an issue). Being 'abundant' certainty is an advantage. Industries that are still operating under the 'scarcity' model by controlling quantities of supplies and access to them (newspapers, broadcasting co., movie industry) are doomed if they refuse to acknowledge and adapt to the new 'abundant' business model.

Capitalism 2.0 over Capitalism 1.0:

1. More:
abundance - more (supply) yields more (profit), over Scarcity - less yields more. Learn from Amazon, Netflix, Rhapsody, itune Store.

2. Free: minimal entry & capital cost, over expensive entry & capital cost. Internet minimizes production, distribution, and inventory costs, thus the suppliers & could sell their products at lower capital cost. Internet allows businesses to profit from being cost "free." Learn from Asus - seling EeePC notebook at "$0."

3. Share: see 'sharing' as an intuitive human behavior by acknowledging the power (knowledge & labor) of the mass, over sharing that requires profit incentives. People love to share ideas, suggestions for free if there is a place for them to do so. Learn from NASA's clickworkers ,Wikipedia

4. Open: offer a platform that surrender authority to the mass, over authority reserved to the executives and specialists they hired. Learn from Dell's IdeaStorm and Starbucks' my starbucks idea.

5. Distribute: distribution model: network to as much as possible/ Exclusion model: network to selective/targeted public. Learn from Facebook, Google Adsense.

6. Meritocracy: promote a culture of merits where best ideas survive and get carried forth, regardless of where the ideas come from, could be executives, specialists, employees, customers, or public. Transparency and collaboration are keys in the process.

Imagine design business running under principles of Capitalism 2.0...


"Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice" - Jim Collins

Please your mind, and it will do a lot more for you in return.

What you think is who you'll become.

Diller Scofidio speaks faith

"In many of our projects we didn't know how we are going to achieve them. When we did a "Cloud" in Switzerland, we didn't have the slightest idea how we were going to achieve that. So I think that one of the things that is important to us is taking that leap of faith and believing that you are going to get there as you have to do it" - Ricardo Scofidio

"We usually take that leap of faith off a cliff without a parachute and we figure it out on the way down..." - Elizabeth Diller

Uncertainty is the direct route to certainty. Think while act.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mainstreams of tomorrow

Consumerism become producerism: as a result of more production tools becoming available to public (Final Cut, Cinema 4D, iMovie, Garageband, Aperature, SketchUp, etc - entry threshold is lower/flattened for most discciplines.

Amateurs become professionals (ex: wiki writers, Amazon product review critics, Youtube Symphony, online celebrity like Sarah Swift).

Mobile network takes over the world: mobile phones/notebook gradually replace personal computers & mini laptops as basic tool for web surfing, communication, and text processing. Already there are more mobile phones than there are PC's in the world.

Google ventures into mobile services, follow by MSN, Baidu, & Yahoo (always a bit slow).

Film, media (major newspapers, magazines, tv broadcast), and home entertainment goes digital, made available online: PCs marry with televisions. Peer to Peer streaming becomes a commercialized industry (Netflix, PPStream, Amazon video, Rhapsody, itune & iphone store, etc).

Next generation video game consoles become graphic & animation tools: Gamers would enjoy creating own aminations, games, and distribute them to the public via internet & phone apps. Ex: Spore: open-source pc game

Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Your goal is to learn, not to shut your ears and raise your nose." - Boss Hugo
"My body gets me from A to B, but the real journey is in my mind." - Oasics Athletics slogan

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Apple products that never made through the light

Monday, May 25, 2009


"When the voice and the vision on the inside [mind] become more profound, and more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life." - Dr. John F. Demartini

Reasons to Believe

"Anyone that ever accomplishes anything did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it." - Bob Proctor, philosopher

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha

You are the only one who creates your reality. You are the architect of your own life.
"An affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought." - Rev. Dr. Michael Beckworth

'Google'nomics: paid by the hour replaced by paid by the quality /quantity of ideas

Google provides platforms for everyone online to organizes themselves into specific communities for free using links, tags, widgets, emails and other tools on interfaces owned by Google, like Blogger, Youtube, Gmail, etc, then target its advertisement accurately and efficiently to those communities created by the users : a win/win/win situation for Google/its ad clients/its users - the users get to blog, post videos, connect and form communities at no cost using online tools provided by Google. Once the communities reached a larger volume of traffic, Google then allows its ad clients to post ads onto these communities' websites/blogs. This way, the ads clients succeeds in exposing their product/service to a targeted audience, in return Google gets to charge its ad clients for posting. Hence, the more blogs, videos, traffic, communities that are generated under Google's platforms (blogger, youtube, gmail, etc), the more ad clients Google will be able to attract, and the more ad revenue they will able to earn.

More content/ more traffic = more profit. Abundance replaces scarcity as the new principle of economics in the era of Web 2.0

Google's interfaces allow for self-organizing opportunities to occur. They provide links between content & people. The link is whats valuable.

What does design have to do with all this?
As more projects & paper projects are being produced, more aesthetic styles being promoted, more construction technologies being tested and adopted, more software and production techniques become available, more people who become interested in design, and more people who are calling themselves 'designers' (myself included); design firms must learn, accept, and use these abundance towards their interests via collaboration with the interfaces & people. Managing abundance is the new business model in running design (more contents & participants can yield more profit), while open-source collective intelligence is the new method of designing. The key is finding way to build content with the public, while designers become the editors of those content.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Google way of making mistakes well

"...if you launch things and iterate really quickly, people forget about those mistakes and have a lot of respect for how quickly you build the product up and make it better.....Innovation, not instant perfection" - Marissa Mayers, Vice-President

"I want to run a company where we are moving too quickly and doing too much, not being too cautious and doing too little." - Larry Page, Co-Founder

"Please fail very quickly - so that you can try again." Eric Schmidt, CEO

*Jarvis, Jeff, What Would Google Do? (New York: HarperCollins Press, 2009)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

California Dreaming

Mid May, Calgary snowed ...again. Reminds me of where I spent a year in last year.

All the leaves are brown
All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
And the sky is grey
Ive been for a walk
Ive been for a walk
On a winters day
On a winters day
Id be safe and warm
Id be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
If I was in L.A.
California dreamin'
California dreamin'
On such a winters day

Stopped into a church
I passed along the way
Well, I got down on my knees
Got down on my knees
And I pretend to pray
I pretend to pray
You know the preacher likes the cold
Preacher likes the cold
He knows Im gonna stay Im
Knows Im gonna stay
California dreamin
California dreamin
On such a winters day

Monday, May 18, 2009

How would Google run a design firm...?

1. Like Google, the firm needs to become a platform: the platform that has network to many other designers (not only architects, but designers) out there who are subscribed under the firm's network.

2. The main focus of the firm is to gather project commissions from everywhere and auction them out to its subscribed designers. The subscribed designers would then bid for the specific projects they wish to get. Bidding is based on talent (portfolio of past work, performance, experience, etc) as well as rates (fees). Best bid wins the job.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Google's new competitor

StumbleUpon acts much like a search engine, but introduces a new way to browse the web in "social networking" style...think of Twitter or Facebook + Google. StumbleUpon allows searchers to search and browse websites via previews of sites' homepages compare to reading through lines of texts displayed on Google search results, giving searchers a quicker and better visual experience when searching online. Searchers can also recommend interesting websites of similar topic to each other, making searching on web more socially engaging, fast, and personal.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lyrics as tunes

"刻意咬字不清,重點是在以念詞的律動去搭配音樂的節奏" - 周董
"Simplicity is complexity resolved." - Constantin Brancusi, Sculptor

"Simplicity means saying no." - Steve Jobs

Think dfferent, think beyond

"If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse" - Henry Ford

Innovation does not come from asking a focus group what they want.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Steve Jobs in 5

1. "Creativity is just connecting things."

2. "People don't know what they want until you show it to them."

3. "Dylan and Picasso were always risking failure."

4. "Software is the user experience."

5. "We made the buttons on the screen look so good you'll want to lick them."

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Smarter car....with a much needed software update

Finally, the US auto giant listens to consumer demands by allowing cell phones and ipods to be connected (wirelessly) to your vehicles....SYNC is a new media player developed in collaboration with Microsoft which allows drivers and passengers to hook up their portable hand-held gadgets (phones, ipods, GPS, etc) to their cars via bluetooth. This player works similar to an iphone in a way that also allows you to download third-party apllications which you could get access the latest weather reports, your favorite radios, check movie showtimes, monitoring vehicle performance, restaurant listings, traffic directions, news, etc. But instead of a touch screen, its voice-activated, more [better] reason to buy an American car.

Check out SYNC, equipped with 2010 version of Ford owned vehicles.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


天分就如同我們所說的"奇蹟" - 用來比喻科學目前無法解釋的現象, 表達我們對此方面邏輯的缺乏, 也因此才以 "天才, 天分, 奇蹟, 命運" 等同意詞 來彌補缺口 暫時給於相同的共識(definition).


“If I don't practice one day, I know it; two days, the critics know it; three days, the public knows it.” - Jascha Heifetz, Violinist

看來 Heifetz 非常相信 別人賜予他"天才小提情家"的封號 是他以無數的時間 汗
血換來的, 而並非以隨意的"天分"兩字來帶過

"很多人都寧願相信 自己是有天分的天才, 只要投身適合的事業, 他們的天分變自然會發揮出來...
這想法很危險; 每當遇上困難 便會認命, 以為自己沒那天分 無法更上一層樓 因此認命 安然放棄.
其實不管做什麼事情 都會面臨氣餒絕望的困境 要是拿不出堅毅的鬥志突圍 我們便容易一生無成," 隨命運漂泊 與宰割 - 黎智英

不能怪無天分 無命運 人生會有很多出乎意料的事(命) 考驗你的是如何藉此而逆爭上緣(運).

命運皆是機會...考驗的是你的 堅毅 耐力

Every idea has potentials, more importantly it's how far you can take. Life's the same.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


落雨聲 哪親像一條歌誰知影 阮越頭嘸敢聽
異鄉的我 一個人起畏寒 寂寞的雨聲 捶阮心肝
人孤單 像斷翅的鳥只 飛袂行 咁講是阮的命
故鄉的山 永遠攏站置遐 阮的心晟只有講乎山來聽
來到故鄉的海岸 景色猶原攏總無變化
當初離開是為啥 你若問阮阮心肝來疼
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
出社會走闖塊甲人拼輸贏 為著啥 家己嘸知影
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
哭出聲 無人惜命命

給你們的歌, 恩...母親節快樂

Friday, April 3, 2009

Revival of Knowledge Economy?

In 2006, the world produces over 1.5 X 10^18 bytes of information....this is more than what we produced over the past 500o years.

In 15 minutes, we produce enough information to fill the Library of Congress than itself did over 200 years.

The amount of information published by the New York Times per week is more than an 18th Century individual acquire in a lifetime.

We sent out more text messages a day than our entire population.

New technological knowledge doubles every two years, what students learned in their first two years at college will soon become outdated once they reached senior years. By 2010, it will double every 72 hours.

Google processes an average of 2.7 billion searches a month in 2006. In B.G. (Before Google) Era, who do people turn to when researching and asking questions?

One 3G wire could transfer over 10 Tetrabyte/sec of data, equivalent to 2127 dvd, or 150 million phone calls/sec. This transferring capacity is projected to triple every 6 months over the next 20 years.

Above stats are projected 2006, already 3 years behind... imagine what these figures would be now...


"The top 10 most demanding jobs of 2010 may not have existed in 2004, therefore we need to educate students on how to invest their time in jobs that have yet existed, use technologies that have yet being invented, and solve issues that have yet appeared" - Richard Riley, former US Secretary of Education

Perhaps How to teach is more pivotal than What to teach...

What school needs to teach is habit and attitude, its combination of these two which will give you opportunities. Content is simply a supporting material that substantiates the value of developing good habits and attitudes.
Too much of anything is a bad thing

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stefan Sagmeister in 5

1. "Complaining is silly, either act or forget"

2. "Everything I do always comes back to me"

3. "Trying to look good limits my life"

4. "Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses" (diminishing return)

5. "Having guts always works out for me"

- Stefan Sagmeister, designer

有實踐力非天馬行空, 不是為了叛逆而叛逆,不是為了創意而搞爭議,不是為了設計而耍心機 represents Sagmeister's work.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"看到自己的失敗 會比看到別人成功還快樂" - 王徫中


"心理學家把心理分為理性與感性兩面: 辦事雖然是依據理性, 但理性背後每每由感性主宰. 當感性層面覺得好的, 理性就會找出千百個理由 認為那是好的. 相反, 感性認為不好, 理性同樣可以找出千萬個道理 指出那是不好的. 感性的表現就是情緒, 換言之, 情緒對我們的理性有深切的影響." - 李嘉誠

所以 用樂觀掌握方向 方向必好

凡是必從心開始: 有好心態 自然而然會有好成果

從人一善 則萬善必因之而起

Friday, March 20, 2009

笑是一天 哭也是一天 那麼為什麼 選擇痛苦的哭 而不選擇快樂的笑
'願不願意' 比 '可不可能' 更重要

Thursday, March 12, 2009


"努力 不能自己說, 是要別人告訴你 - '你很努力', 才算努力.
樣樣只靠努力去實現 有天一定會被機械取代, 因為機械會比你更努力 更有效率" - 詹經理
Intelligence replaces labor. Post Industrial Economy (labor-intensive) is knowledge-based (idea-intensive).

努力是基礎, 只靠努力是不夠的

"有些人非常用功 體力上非常操勞 可是他們有否在精神上同時苦練?
有否不斷尋找自己的錯失 不足和盲點 加以改善?
努力時, 有否不斷加深對自己的認識 尋求進步?
沒有做到 那等於一切努力付出流水." - 黎智英

努力不只是體力勞動 更是一個不斷了解 檢討 摸索 想像的過程
只有不斷練習此過程 才可從中體會出見識 想法 概念 來填補思想邏輯的缺口

100% effort does not equal to 100% result, but 100% result requires more than 100% effort

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"用智慧掌握方向 方向必到, 用意志克服困難 困難必解" - 星雲法師

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"老虎的毛要順著摸; 順著摸老虎的毛, 老虎也會馴順"
"最偉大的溝通技巧就是重視別人的意見" - 李嘉誠

Monday, March 9, 2009


煩惱即菩提/覺悟/之心" - 蔡叔叔

Saturday, March 7, 2009


"當兩家餐廳美味程度差不多 剩出者必是店面潔淨 有美感 代者又能無微不至噓寒問暖" - 盧怡安


自制力 抗懶惰

"我每天 每刻 每秒 都要跟懶惰搏鬥" - 詹仁雄

"以死威脅是最有效的動力 - 如果把每天都當是生命最後一天去運用的話
它會有無窮力量" - 李連杰

"每次創業都會跟自己說 - 這是最後一次創業 之後我便會死去; 因此只有現在 沒有將來, 我要投下我所擁有的一切 跟它們同歸於盡, 死而後已" - 黎智英

"一個成功的人 其自制力表現在: 大家都做但情理上不能做的事 他自制而不去做; 大家都不做但情理上應做的事 他強制自己去做" - 李嘉誠


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Carbon finance

Emission trading and manufacturing of green currency value

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


"好吃又貴的餐廳很多 但好吃又便宜的卻很少" - 謝先生

'好又便宜' 比 '好又貴' 更有挑戰與競爭價值

"如果一把好的塑膠椅要價七百美元, 一般消費者就會繼續選擇五美元的爛貨!...想要殺光醜塑膠椅, 就要推出售價只有五美元的好塑膠椅" - Philippe Starck

物品高成本與高售價 是設計師的問題!

"MAYA = Most Advanced Yet Acceptable" - Raymond Loewy

設計也要保有親合力 它離不開當代社會與經濟的訴求.

- From La Vie No. 59

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


"我不相信人可以預測將來, 但我深信事事往好處想 、充滿期望 、積極的面對未來, 那摸就算是夢想也會成真....自信心從來都是對未來最準確的預測." - 黎智英

Friday, February 27, 2009

"當一個人開心的時候 要多做一點事
當一個人不開心的時候 要多讀一點書" -王徫中

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



"有三個在運作中的巨大力量:感恩的療癒力、接收的信心力,以及歡笑和喜悅消除體內疾病的治療力" -胡自強

只要你相信,一切都是可能的 !


Monday, February 23, 2009


Have 70% confidence and 30% skepticism in your current belief is the most efficient way to evolve to a better and unimaginable belief over time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

"怒已一過 則萬過必因之而生
從人一善 則萬善必因之而起

進步要在心平氣和中才能求得 (critical thinking)
人緣要在隨喜服務中才能培養 (trust)

有志不在年高 有理不在聲大
有心不在言表 有才不在現用" - 佛光菜根譚

Thursday, February 19, 2009


"人生的機會實在太多了 散的滿地都是 但是你必須懂如何彎下腰去撿
它才會是屬於你的. 你所期盼的機會 不會從腳下傳到你手裡" - 謝先生

Monday, February 16, 2009

"能夠隨緣不變 行事才有目標原則
能夠不變隨緣 做人才能收放自如

一個人心量有多大 事業就有多大
一個人心能容多少 成就就有多少

真正的富有 是歡喜而不是財富
真正的貧窮 是無知而不是無錢" - 佛光菜根譚

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What versus How

What versus How - chicken or the egg?

which is more important, which comes first:
1. What you do? or...
2. How you do it?

Innovation is not only based on inventing new objects (question of What), but inventing a new way of doing the old things (question of How). This new way of doing - the How, if successfully executed (the ability to provide convenience to generate enough desires for it to become a necessity), will eventually generate the new objects and contents associated with the What.

Ex: The web changes how our everyday tasks are done traditionally using an instant globally-networked platform. Consequently new objects are invented such as blogs, emails, Google earth, facebook, ebay, etc - creating new jobs, and responsibilities (the "What").

There is already enough "What" out there, now it is the "How" that becomes more important.

"New technology requires a re-definition of old skills" - Mark Meadows

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Democratize Information

"Nothing is impossible, its just that you don't know how its done. Once you do know, then everything gets a lot easier. That is why information is so vital to our survival and evolution."

Support free info !

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Design in the Age of Expression

How will design...

"Manage abundance, not scarcity"* - We over I, challenges from open-source anonymous designers

"Make mistakes well"* - question of multidiscipline, challenge design itself to breach boundaries

"Give up control"* - response to customization, user desired design, user driven design, allow feedback loop

"Get out of the way"* - bottom up/outside-in over top down/inside out authorship (survival versus evolution)

"Offer lower prices (free is better)"* - competition, mass-customization & fabrication over construction

Design will become a platform serves to establish its survival (via designers) while nurture natural evolution (via inhabitants).

Design need the ability to amass, filter, and synthesis info into logically innovative cultural values.

*Thinking strategies used by Google, listed in the book "What would Google Do" by Jeff Jarvis

Who says what design is?

"Who says what design is ?" - Eric Owen Moss
Everyone, therefore it is "What says who design is?" that matters.
Simply put: "What is design?"

Design is an interface that stands between an idea and people;
thus the process of communicating that idea is designed.

It is intention,

it is language,

it is meaning,

it is value,

it is conversation,

it is art,

it is fiction,

it is computation,

it is brand,

it is business,

It is manufacturing of convenience and necessity

it is synergy between Left & Right Brain….

… thus it is innovative logic,

and thus it is entrepreneurial management.

Good design create an audience using an idea, and in doing so, establishes value and meaning.

創意 就是創造有形與無形中的含意
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
So "What says who design is ?"

Anything is designable,
and thus everything could be designed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Tetrahedrons are the building blocks of nature, they are also the basic building blocks of business. " - Buckminster Fuller

True business tetrahedron consists of four parts: business owner, specialist, employees, and investors.
"Get through your fears and the world will open up, give into your fears and your world will get smaller every year." - wise old man from Honolulu

Thursday, January 29, 2009

巴豆妖經理 對multidiscipline思考的建議

"人類是思考懶惰的動物,一旦用腦的方式模式化後,就很難用別的方法再予以刺激. 所以,為了訓練思考邏輯,以產生發想或構想新的思考邏輯,就必須常常刺激腦中各個不同的部位;經常練習多面向、多角度、深度的、正反向的思考方式,應可解決部分思考的問題.

直線思考模式,為一般人常用的邏輯思考方式;對一般人而言,遇到問題發生時,就以順向、直線的方式思考問題的解決方法,對於問題的解決,不能達到圓滿的境 界;因此,除了順向、直線的方式思考外,反向、逆向的思考方式,再加上綜合性的思考模式,會讓我們明白問題的處理方式,會有多種方法可以處理,不致於讓人 的思考鑽入死胡同,而造成問題的僵化.


當一個人在悲困潦倒的時候,其情緒是低落的;這時他的思考方式,一般而言,都是順向的往不好方向思考. 這時,他的逆向思考,就是正面的、健康的思考模式.




"山不轉路轉,路不轉人轉,人不轉心轉" - 聖嚴法師


" - 巴豆妖 經理


聖嚴法師, 願你往生一樣快樂

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

為何跨界? Multidiscipline

原因:1. 全球化的結果造成競爭上升 (資本主義的後果) 2. 高科技將取代部份人力.

Goal: Stay Competitive, beyond 設計美學. Stay Competitive means know and learn to do something others don’t know about or can’t do.

除了精進本身的專業之外 更需要跨領域能力 才能打造跟別人不一樣的競爭力 求學習 求進步 避免自己能力被外包出去 被高科技取代.


1.國際觀 -多看 多創作 多學習 多接觸 以了解自己在國際舞台上所站的位子與面對的競爭, 以評估自走的方向妥不妥當

2. 學 Business & Marketing - 優秀作品 不是孤方自賞就好 而是要能被大眾看見 影起廣泛關注 才能發揮影響力 專業能力必須延伸學習行銷 策展的能力

3. “商品可以全球化 , 藝術卻必須在地化才有價值” - Epson,
國際觀能給予新視野與技術等基礎去創新 但創新須保有與禿顯當地文化內涵 才會被注重

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Last Lecture

"I believe brick walls are there for a reason. They're not there to keep us out. They are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something." - Randy Pausch, Professor

Pausch's Last Lecture

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Multidiscipline education

If faculties from Harvard Medical School are bringing their students to art museums to train their observation skills (believed to increase their diagnostic ability*), then why shouldn't Design Schools bring their students to the Bodies Exhibit?


Witty Obama

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. "

"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential." - Barack Obama
懂得變 你才不會變

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"You need money to make money" is a misconception

Ex: The Red Paper Clip story

Value is determined by an individual's need in a given situation, and thus it is relative and never fixed. A pen may worth $1.50 at Staples, but for someone who suddenly found himself missing a pen when arriving at an exam might be willing to pay for this pen at a much high price if there is one to offer at that given situation. The consequence of not writing an exam outweighs the value of the pen at that moment.

- Desperate situation calls for desperate value.

錢是想出來的, 多動腦有益身體健康.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


看錢 有三個思惟:

省來的 - 分的出需要與想要 (necessity and desire)

賺來的 - 分的出資產與債產 (asset and liability)

想來的 - 分的出理性與感性 (IQ and EQ - the mind)

三個思惟 能造就三個截然不同的未來

三個都合併 才能學會怎樣把整隻龍蝦吃乾淨

Monday, January 19, 2009

經濟大蕭條後...今天睡好 明天吃飽 後天有柴燒

"今天不好, 明天會更糟糕, 但後天會很美麗. 因為過了明天, 大部分的競爭者都會消失." - 馬雲, 阿里八八

"金融風暴下一階段是經濟大蕭條, 沒有競爭力企業將淘汰, 存活的企業將更健康." - 林百里, 廣達電腦

Faith and persistence.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Andy Warhol in 5

1. "Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.

2. "I'd asked around 10 or 15 people for suggestions. Finally one lady friend asked the right question, 'Well, what do you love most?' That's how I started painting money."

3. "I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning."

4. "People need to be made more aware of the need to work and learning how to live because life is so quick and sometimes it goes away too quickly."

5. "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. "

- Andy Warhol, artist.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Brand Apart

"藝術作品的現實面在於 - 它是會是成為投機對象的商品"

"所謂的暢銷 是將溝通做到最大化後的結果 " - Takashi Murakami, artist.

Brand is the thesis statement of a company.

Brand is an effective form of communicating to the public.

Brand may be generated from a company or conceived from the public. One is intentional, the latter is spontaneous.

Brand represents the value that the company offers to public, it also represents how the pubic values the company.

Brand creates values in society by creating desires and demands.

Brand represents a company's responsibility, reputation, and quality standards.

As the information becomes increasingly accessible and excessive, brand assists in distinguish one from the other (competitors).

Brand constructs our first impression; same logic as how people judge a book by its book cover/title.

Brand 給與外界跨入陌生領域的切入點 它結合了不同領域之間所擁有的共鳴, 因此Brand 會是跨介溝通必需有的平台. Ex: 想到 LV 就想到行李箱, 皮件, 手提包, 服飾, 鞋子, 手錶, 單車等- 這些曾經是屬不同專業的領域, 應為有個 LV 而被結合在一起. LV represents a certain standard of quality

Branded 未來會變的更平凡, 連結更多領域 - 醫學, 電子科技, 經濟, 網路商業, 感性心裡學, 因而產生更多元化的設計模式, 推廣當代設計以外的範圍. 跨界思考是必然的.

"Not everyone has what it takes to have a brand." - Malcolm Gladwell, writer.

"Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art." - Andy Warhol, artist.
遇到困難時 提醒自己 "不要當搶飯碗的人 , 要當製造飯碗的人" 思惟會變的不一樣.

包袱越少 越有條件去突破


血拼/設計/感性腦/服務業/亞洲_共通點 will resonate/communicate

設計有時會處於過於專業或流行的兩極端. 應此要學會從居用者那端出發, 把兩端距離拉近 讓時尚生活化. 它需要兼具廣度 (設計種類) 與深度 (設計品質).

Hence future design business structure will become increasingly HYBRID and symbiotic with respect to principle of survival of the fittest.


設計師不只會是一群氣氛製造者 更是把氣氛感染給大家 (providing Platform service* - 網路商業化後的新產業** Future design belongs to the service industry - providing pre- & post- design customer service, customization process, instant feedback & modification)

A goal, a system, a discipline.

*"Platform needs to be simple and dumb enough to embody the ability to anticipate what they cannot anticipate" - Benjamin Bratton

**產業 as an industry consist of many small business closely-linked (up and downstream) to manufacture the products together rather than one large corporation that does it all like Google.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Contemporary Internet Luxury

Simplification: of application interface (iTouch, Emotiv Epoch), easier and more intuitive control, thus more appealing to wider range of public.

Customization: info direct to personal needs (increase click and advertising opportunities) getting to info relevant to you faster. (iGoogle). Promoting down-to-earth luxury - luxury at affordable price, made available to all, in a click second.

Visualization: of info media. (Youtube, iNews)

Contamination: viral effect, using internet as platform to launch wide-spread distribution and exposures worldwide at instant.

Possible new paradigm: Neuro interface (more advanced than Minority Report)

"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." - Andy Warhol

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

design in Visual Merchandizing

Zara, Giordano, Apple store, H&M

Design is implemented to create a dialogue between the merchandise the the potential consumer (inhabitant) via spatial, material, programmatic, technical means to achieve sensory stimulation. More than a installation or window display, but a designed environment with the intention to promote sales of a product or service offered by the clients.

psychology of sale lies in controlling right brain (emotional side)

It is important to understand that the visual merchandiser is there, not to impose ideas, but to help clients articulate their own personal style.

In optimal retail environments such as the Apple Retail Stores, the visual merchandising, customer experience, and store design are all in synch creating amazing environments and unbelievable sales.

Unlike traditional retail environment that attract customers with visual accents and glamorous lighting, the Apple Store was designed much as a comfortable, clean, & spacious laboratory environment for its customers get to Apple's gadgets directly without visual and programmatic distractions. Gadgets are placed orderly along the large long tables, each with a generous amount of space, awaiting to be seen and experimented by the customers. Before the final design of the store is finalized, Apple would build a prototype of the store and invite people to come visit, giving designers opportunities to observe how their design actually work in real retail situations, and perhaps getting more insights and feedbacks from the people. The prototype is tested for a month before the design become finalized, drawings are then delivered to contractors at its respective locations throughout North America.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Faith 黎智英 & 马云


"如果可以預測未來 , 那麼我們我們還要做生意嗎 ? 創作是做生意的原動力 , 假如現在已經可以看到將來的事情 , 我們還有什麼好創作的 ?
恰巧是未來的不可預測 , 才需要我們去創造將來的世界 . 假如未來已在掌握之中 , 未來對我們還有什麼意義?"

"創業是一個解決困難的過程 , 創業是走到無知中去摸索.
要不是有必定成功的信念 , 我們又如何有邁向前路的指引?
沒有了信念 , 我們便只會迷失在憂患的黑暗中 !" - 黎智英, GIORDANO 壹週刊 蘋果日報.

"第一你自己要相信,就是‘我相信’,‘我们相信’;第二是坚持;第三,我们学习,第四,我们做正确的事和正确的做事—正是这四个关键使阿里巴巴走到现在 你没有坚信不疑的事情,那你不会走下去的,你开始坚信了一点点,就会越做越有意思.
有的时候傻坚持要比不坚持好很多,如果空有理想,没有坚持,理想将变成一种痛苦." - 马云, 阿里巴巴.

信念 > 信心 > 勇氣與動力 > 方向

信念建立信心 > 信心(在黑暗裡) 給予勇氣與動力 > 有動力後才有方向 不在黑暗中迷失

"思惟產生信仰 信仰產生力量" - 孫文

Not what you believe, but how much you believe, and how persist you are.

壹週刊 Magazine & Apple's Daily (HK, Taiwan) - the two most widely consumed media source in both Taiwan and Hong Kong, their popularity illustrates an evidence of Southeast Asian society becoming increasingly visual and emotional - Graphics over content, tunes over lyrics, color over b/w. Layout presents 70% visuals (includes title, graphics, images), 30% texts (content, footnotes, references). Asian culture is becoming more 'flat,' despite the economic recession, online-shopping sales rose 40% in 08 compare to 07. Meanwhile the Economist (UK) - most read magazine in Europe and North America, contains 90% text and 10% visuals. Media illustrates cultural context of a particular region.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

左右腦均衡的 multidiscipline

高感性 (high concept)、高體會 (high touch)、高效能 (high efficiency)

"高感性指的是觀察趨勢和機會,以創造優美或感動人心的作品,編織引人入勝的故事,以及結合看似不相干的概念,轉化為新事物 的能力 (from knowledge with openness)

高體會則是體察他人情感,熟悉人與人微妙互動,懂得為自己與他人尋找喜樂,以及在繁瑣俗務間發掘意義與目的的能力 (from compassion)

高效能則是指,在如此現代的社 會中,看清整個趨勢的發展,做最有效率的規畫 (from strategical planning)"

- 劉慶中,國立屏東教育大學校長



by 龍應台


"聲音(歌聲)有兩種 一種是在氣奮的感染下 讓大家會有短暫的激情 (effervescence 一時的感性)

另外一種 是會讓大家留在心裡 (.....感性與理性結合的穿透力)" - 小胖老師



There is always two perspectives to tell a story. Pros & pros, cons & cons, culture & counterculture, capitalism & socialism, ying & yang, etc. Once understood dualism, perspectives from both sides become equally valid. However, whether dualism exists in (or promotes) the state of equilibrium/co-existence or majority vs minority would be difficult to pinpoint.


"除了田園生活可以安撫現代城市人的心,『復古風』、『古早味』也趁機搶搭流行列車。人們雖然不斷追求前衛、新潮的發明,不過內心仍深藏著懷舊情節。造仿古蹟、老街,提起跳房子、王子標、一元抽,無意間聽到鄧麗君的何日君再來,相信會喚起不少人在某段時期的特殊回憶。" - 周怡秀, 經濟日報

複合式經營中的 multidiscipline

Precedents: Nike, Dell, Starbucks, Chapters, Pioneer, Samsung, etc

以穩固客源與擴大現有客戶群為目地 diversifies risks by expanding and categorizing its product and services into different classes in order to curb the market fluctuation (ie. Pioneer Kuro vs. Pioneer Elite - same hardware tech but different branding class and price to stratify multiple consumer classes) - the key is still multidiscipline.



Three principles which made 山寨手機 ('bandit/clone' cellphones) possible in China:

Moore's Law: Exponential increase of computational power every 18 months.
Metcalfe's Law: Value of a network is proportional to its nodes (connected users or component)
Prahalad's theory (Fortune from the Bottom of the Pyramid)

Friday, January 9, 2009

"人生最重要的是找到自己的世界, 當找到自己的世界後人生才有意義. 而賽車才是真正屬於我的世界" - 藤原拓海, 秋名山車神




Thursday, January 8, 2009

Intel's Multi-Billion Dollar Lesson

"全球化競爭 要在單一專業領域出頭 像在大樹下的小草要見到陽光般難
但在兩棵大樹中間 反而更有機會長大 甚至成為創新者

領域間的界限將混濁 何必當下自我設限" - Paul Otellini, Intel CEO

每個問題有很多個解決方案,關鍵是能不能用多角度去思考 找出平衡點稱之為共鳴

Monday, January 5, 2009



它會有無窮力量" - 李連杰

人想要的東西很多 須要的東西不多
每天不後悔 不遺憾 就夠了

Sunday, January 4, 2009

You can if your mind can

"Nothing Succeeds Like Success" is an inspiring essay written by Christian Larson, which explores the psychology behind success and argues that always feeling successful is the key to actually becoming successful.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Open Source Corp.

Precedents: Mozilla, Wikipedia, Eclipse,, Youtube, Linux OS, itune, iphone applicatoins, etc...

Open-source fosters development of non-commercial business model which rely on open-source contributions from anonymous individuals (mostly unpaid volunteer/ enthusiasts) that are brought together via the internet and often shared a common vision and ambition to develop a better, efficient software interface than ones traditionally developed by commercial corporate giants such as MS, Adobe, Autodesk, etc. Since the software are open-sourced, this drastically reduces the cost of research and development that is often required under a commercial business model, while lowering the barriers (cost) traditionally required to venture into the industry. Hence open-sourced software is able to compete with commercially developed software by offering them to users at low to free of charge and with no licensing requirements. Thus they could be easily and quickly distributed using the internet via downloads, further reducing the inventory, property, labor, selling and operating costs in general. The profit is generated not from the software but the supplementary products and services that come with increasing use and demands for the software and subsequent advertising opportunities as the result of their increasing exposures.

Apple allows customers to design their own iphone application and sell it on itune. All customers need to do is purchase a package containing the programming language, the how-to, and license agreements that grants you permission to sell your apps on itune.

How could a non-commercial (open-source) model benefit design operation? is open source design or architecture possible? at what stage of design process should open-source happen? is individual authorship still relevant?

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Need not focus on the mistakes any more than is necessary to learn their lessons." - Warren Buffett

If you make a hundred decisions and ten turn out bad, you could end up obsessing over your mistakes to the point that you neglect the new opportunities and decisions that need to be made.

"We just figure there is so much to look forward to that there is no sense thinking of what we might have done. It just doesn't make any difference. You can only live life forward."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why multidiscipline ?

Michael Jemtrud is currently the Dean of McGill Architecture in Montreal...

Even though the comment was made in 1995, however as information becomes more and more saturated in the 21st Century, the ability to acquire, filter, and extract valuables from them becomes increasingly pivotal.