Friday, April 3, 2009

Revival of Knowledge Economy?

In 2006, the world produces over 1.5 X 10^18 bytes of information....this is more than what we produced over the past 500o years.

In 15 minutes, we produce enough information to fill the Library of Congress than itself did over 200 years.

The amount of information published by the New York Times per week is more than an 18th Century individual acquire in a lifetime.

We sent out more text messages a day than our entire population.

New technological knowledge doubles every two years, what students learned in their first two years at college will soon become outdated once they reached senior years. By 2010, it will double every 72 hours.

Google processes an average of 2.7 billion searches a month in 2006. In B.G. (Before Google) Era, who do people turn to when researching and asking questions?

One 3G wire could transfer over 10 Tetrabyte/sec of data, equivalent to 2127 dvd, or 150 million phone calls/sec. This transferring capacity is projected to triple every 6 months over the next 20 years.

Above stats are projected 2006, already 3 years behind... imagine what these figures would be now...

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