Sunday, February 15, 2009

What versus How

What versus How - chicken or the egg?

which is more important, which comes first:
1. What you do? or...
2. How you do it?

Innovation is not only based on inventing new objects (question of What), but inventing a new way of doing the old things (question of How). This new way of doing - the How, if successfully executed (the ability to provide convenience to generate enough desires for it to become a necessity), will eventually generate the new objects and contents associated with the What.

Ex: The web changes how our everyday tasks are done traditionally using an instant globally-networked platform. Consequently new objects are invented such as blogs, emails, Google earth, facebook, ebay, etc - creating new jobs, and responsibilities (the "What").

There is already enough "What" out there, now it is the "How" that becomes more important.

"New technology requires a re-definition of old skills" - Mark Meadows

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