Saturday, February 7, 2009

Who says what design is?

"Who says what design is ?" - Eric Owen Moss
Everyone, therefore it is "What says who design is?" that matters.
Simply put: "What is design?"

Design is an interface that stands between an idea and people;
thus the process of communicating that idea is designed.

It is intention,

it is language,

it is meaning,

it is value,

it is conversation,

it is art,

it is fiction,

it is computation,

it is brand,

it is business,

It is manufacturing of convenience and necessity

it is synergy between Left & Right Brain….

… thus it is innovative logic,

and thus it is entrepreneurial management.

Good design create an audience using an idea, and in doing so, establishes value and meaning.

創意 就是創造有形與無形中的含意
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So "What says who design is ?"

Anything is designable,
and thus everything could be designed.

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