Saturday, February 7, 2009

Design in the Age of Expression

How will design...

"Manage abundance, not scarcity"* - We over I, challenges from open-source anonymous designers

"Make mistakes well"* - question of multidiscipline, challenge design itself to breach boundaries

"Give up control"* - response to customization, user desired design, user driven design, allow feedback loop

"Get out of the way"* - bottom up/outside-in over top down/inside out authorship (survival versus evolution)

"Offer lower prices (free is better)"* - competition, mass-customization & fabrication over construction

Design will become a platform serves to establish its survival (via designers) while nurture natural evolution (via inhabitants).

Design need the ability to amass, filter, and synthesis info into logically innovative cultural values.

*Thinking strategies used by Google, listed in the book "What would Google Do" by Jeff Jarvis

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