Sunday, January 11, 2009


There is always two perspectives to tell a story. Pros & pros, cons & cons, culture & counterculture, capitalism & socialism, ying & yang, etc. Once understood dualism, perspectives from both sides become equally valid. However, whether dualism exists in (or promotes) the state of equilibrium/co-existence or majority vs minority would be difficult to pinpoint.


"除了田園生活可以安撫現代城市人的心,『復古風』、『古早味』也趁機搶搭流行列車。人們雖然不斷追求前衛、新潮的發明,不過內心仍深藏著懷舊情節。造仿古蹟、老街,提起跳房子、王子標、一元抽,無意間聽到鄧麗君的何日君再來,相信會喚起不少人在某段時期的特殊回憶。" - 周怡秀, 經濟日報

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