Saturday, January 17, 2009


血拼/設計/感性腦/服務業/亞洲_共通點 will resonate/communicate

設計有時會處於過於專業或流行的兩極端. 應此要學會從居用者那端出發, 把兩端距離拉近 讓時尚生活化. 它需要兼具廣度 (設計種類) 與深度 (設計品質).

Hence future design business structure will become increasingly HYBRID and symbiotic with respect to principle of survival of the fittest.


設計師不只會是一群氣氛製造者 更是把氣氛感染給大家 (providing Platform service* - 網路商業化後的新產業** Future design belongs to the service industry - providing pre- & post- design customer service, customization process, instant feedback & modification)

A goal, a system, a discipline.

*"Platform needs to be simple and dumb enough to embody the ability to anticipate what they cannot anticipate" - Benjamin Bratton

**產業 as an industry consist of many small business closely-linked (up and downstream) to manufacture the products together rather than one large corporation that does it all like Google.

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