Monday, June 1, 2009

Mainstreams of tomorrow

Consumerism become producerism: as a result of more production tools becoming available to public (Final Cut, Cinema 4D, iMovie, Garageband, Aperature, SketchUp, etc - entry threshold is lower/flattened for most discciplines.

Amateurs become professionals (ex: wiki writers, Amazon product review critics, Youtube Symphony, online celebrity like Sarah Swift).

Mobile network takes over the world: mobile phones/notebook gradually replace personal computers & mini laptops as basic tool for web surfing, communication, and text processing. Already there are more mobile phones than there are PC's in the world.

Google ventures into mobile services, follow by MSN, Baidu, & Yahoo (always a bit slow).

Film, media (major newspapers, magazines, tv broadcast), and home entertainment goes digital, made available online: PCs marry with televisions. Peer to Peer streaming becomes a commercialized industry (Netflix, PPStream, Amazon video, Rhapsody, itune & iphone store, etc).

Next generation video game consoles become graphic & animation tools: Gamers would enjoy creating own aminations, games, and distribute them to the public via internet & phone apps. Ex: Spore: open-source pc game

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