Sunday, December 28, 2008

True Wealth

"There is a big difference between Money and Wealth. Wealth is having the knowledge, system, and asset to understand how to create value for others. While money is simply paper that pretend to have some arbitrary value." - Eben Pagan

Success is fulfillment, for self and helping others to fulfill.

What is interesting is that the billion and millionaires, such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Paul Otellini, Jet Li, (the ones who can afford pretty much anything they wish) all expressed the fact that there is nothing more fulfilling than being able to help others to succeed and fulfill others needs than spending money buying mansions, cars, and other exotics for themselves. The act of helping others gives them the inner fulfillment that often endure a lot longer than the material fulfillment that they could easily achieve for themselves, as material fulfillment often didn't last long - cars will one day broke down, mansions will be sold. What is more permanent is the fulfillment of the minds, seeing their ability to make more significant impact by giving others who desperate in need of those material fulfillment than themselves do.

The most powerful and influential people throughout our history are commemorated not because how much they earned, but how much they acted, how much they influenced others, and how much they give back to society.

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