Saturday, December 27, 2008

Business of Magazine

"Getting information first is one of the biggest luxury of all" - Tyler Brule, founder of Wallpaper* Magazine

In the age of exploded media and internetships, ability to acquire, process, and present info has already become the second greatest asset, first being our mind (which is partially shaped by info we acquired, but not totally, 凡事從心開始)


Monocle: 7000 copies printed per issue worldwide per day, 90,000 copies sold in the first year.

Journalistic over graphics like its predecessor Wallpaper*

The accessibility, the content, the medium of delivery (platform), the speed, efficiency, and portability.

platform being the most important, it decides how and what the info would be perceived by the audience.

Funding: from private equity firms, family investments, media corp, bank, readers, focus is on choosing one who understands the concept of the platform.

Understand what people want via market research, observation, survey.....costly and time consuming.

Where would it be read? on the road, plane, to work,

editorial budget: to finance the writers visiting and writing stories on the road.

Advertisers: bringing the platform and concept to the advertisement agency for approval to receive permission to publish products. Attracted not only to stats (ie # of copies sold annually) but also the perspectives ahead (ie expansion, content management, types of photos), as they wish magazines to be their primary advertising agency.

Distribution: Global - reduces risks of selling, wider audience may attract more global advertisers rather than only relying on a handful.

The abundance of web media drives further need for physical print. Print will become a precious scholarly luxury in the future. 反方向思考

Editorial consulting service...concept development of magazine comes from the desire to tell a strong narrative for each issue, with stories centering around the main idea...knowing what makes a good story, response to marketplace, find your target audience.

Archigram = telegraph

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