Friday, December 26, 2008

Marketing terms

Remember, there is the "best-selling author," but never the "best-writing author."

Museum + Marketing = Bilbao Effect

Architect + Branding + PR = Starchitect

Marketing's power concerns how the product can be effectively distributed to the potential customers, or you could say is a storytelling or narrative that helps public to understand your idea.

Pyramid Scheme: illegal, works somewhat like franchise, but does not actually sell anything.

Multi-level marketing or Network marketing: a business distribution model that use means of direct selling and relationship referrals such as "words of mouth" (involving the parent company of product, the distributors, and downline distributors, to sell)...similar to a franchise model.
Incentives (compensation, promotion, commission) motivates the distributors to sell or find more downline distributors, thus spreading the products.

direct selling: sell to customer via person
direct marketing: sell via mail, email, infomercial

Free-line: Products cheaply produced and can be give away to establish better customer relationships.

Depth-line: The products reserve for the best customers who wish to know you more.

消費者的口耳相傳是最強大的媒體 create value for yourself first, value is irreplaceable.

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