Sunday, December 28, 2008

No hands, no legs, no problem

"心裡的恐懼 是人生最大殘障" - Nick Vujicic & Alexander the Great

Fear is our biggest handicap.

True strength is not found in perfection, but in understanding our own limitations.

知足者富, 強行者有志.


Perspective: know where you are who you are. The way you see your life will determine how successful you are. See what you do have, not ponder what you don't have (知足), and use what you have wisely. Be thankful, give your self credit (肯定自己).

Vision: see far 遠見, know where you want go with what you have. The only limit is the ones you put on yourself. Vision is what keeps you moving forward. Dont give up with things you can't do today. "The day you have full potential is the day you have not, because there is still today."

Choice: It is up to you to decide who you are and what you want to do, then act upon it. Once determined, every decision, every action, every judgment could potentially propel you closer and closer towards your goal. So think mindfully every step you take.

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