Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Psychology of "本來無一物"

"An experiment was done by a group of psychologists -Two strangers were invited into a room, 100 dollar cash was placed on the table. Person A was give the authority to split the 100 dollars with person B in however way person A desires (ie 50/50 ; 60/40; 80/20; 40/60, etc) , while Person B was given the authority to reject person A's offer at any point he desires, but when this happens neither person A or B will get any money at all.

The result was interesting: It was the point when person A proposed 80/20 split with person B, that person B decides to call off the deal, thus both of them walked away empty handed. This is because person B has reached a threshold where he simply could not get over seeing person A getting a better end of the deal, and would rather see both of them walk away from free money.

The psychologists took this experiment to a third world country, where 100 dollars is worth several months of average person's income. Two strangers were invited to participate, and the same result was found: There was one point where Person B would rather give up his own free 20 dollars (worth 1 month of his average salary) and let both walk away empty handed, than seeing person A getting free 80 dollars - a better end of the deal. " - Eben Pagan

菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台,本來無一物,何處惹塵埃 : Most of us are easily seduced and trapped by the values present in front of us, thus forgetting to hold on to what is truly meaningful to us in a bigger perspective.

Learn to love the shorter end of the deal...this is scarcity thinking - the fundamental principle of marketing, and surprisingly, is also the principle of Buddhism - 本來無一物,何處惹塵埃. 知足, 助人為快樂之本.


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