Wednesday, December 31, 2008

There was a memorable scene in the movie The pursuit of Happiness, where Chris Gardner (Will Smith) - an unemployed, broke, homeless, single parent with a son to raise; one day saw a Ferrari F40 parked along the street, he then quickly ran up to the driver and asked, "What do you do, and how do you do it?"

"I am a stock broker," driver replied.

Even though its a movie, Chris' attitude made a deep impression on me - A person who has lost all of his processions once meaningful to his life (house, car, wife, salary, friendships, bank accounts), yet is still able maintain a courage and ambition to dream big. If he had not had the courage to ask those two crucial questions (questions which changed his life), he would not have known that the driver was a stock broker, and thus would have not determined to become one himself. He later became very successful at it and founded his own brokerage company that made him a millionaire.

Chris Gardner never thought of himself as being 'poor,' thus not allowing his circumstances to deter him away from being rich and think rich. - Rich is a mindset.

At the valley of his life, he did not see himself at despair, instead he is always motivated (with the desire to bring happiness to his son) to look for opportunities to climb back up to the peak. It was determination and courage which rewarded him happiness.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Psychology of "本來無一物"

"An experiment was done by a group of psychologists -Two strangers were invited into a room, 100 dollar cash was placed on the table. Person A was give the authority to split the 100 dollars with person B in however way person A desires (ie 50/50 ; 60/40; 80/20; 40/60, etc) , while Person B was given the authority to reject person A's offer at any point he desires, but when this happens neither person A or B will get any money at all.

The result was interesting: It was the point when person A proposed 80/20 split with person B, that person B decides to call off the deal, thus both of them walked away empty handed. This is because person B has reached a threshold where he simply could not get over seeing person A getting a better end of the deal, and would rather see both of them walk away from free money.

The psychologists took this experiment to a third world country, where 100 dollars is worth several months of average person's income. Two strangers were invited to participate, and the same result was found: There was one point where Person B would rather give up his own free 20 dollars (worth 1 month of his average salary) and let both walk away empty handed, than seeing person A getting free 80 dollars - a better end of the deal. " - Eben Pagan

菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台,本來無一物,何處惹塵埃 : Most of us are easily seduced and trapped by the values present in front of us, thus forgetting to hold on to what is truly meaningful to us in a bigger perspective.

Learn to love the shorter end of the deal...this is scarcity thinking - the fundamental principle of marketing, and surprisingly, is also the principle of Buddhism - 本來無一物,何處惹塵埃. 知足, 助人為快樂之本.
Music tingles within.....

and between minds......

"Look at your environment, which you are enjoying, and see if it asks 'WHY,' You'll see that it doesn't. This custom of asking WHY is the same as asking which is the most or which is the best. They are very closely related questions that enable you to disconnect yourself from your experience, rather than to identify with it." - John Cage, composer

design ought to do the same.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

True Wealth

"There is a big difference between Money and Wealth. Wealth is having the knowledge, system, and asset to understand how to create value for others. While money is simply paper that pretend to have some arbitrary value." - Eben Pagan

Success is fulfillment, for self and helping others to fulfill.

What is interesting is that the billion and millionaires, such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Paul Otellini, Jet Li, (the ones who can afford pretty much anything they wish) all expressed the fact that there is nothing more fulfilling than being able to help others to succeed and fulfill others needs than spending money buying mansions, cars, and other exotics for themselves. The act of helping others gives them the inner fulfillment that often endure a lot longer than the material fulfillment that they could easily achieve for themselves, as material fulfillment often didn't last long - cars will one day broke down, mansions will be sold. What is more permanent is the fulfillment of the minds, seeing their ability to make more significant impact by giving others who desperate in need of those material fulfillment than themselves do.

The most powerful and influential people throughout our history are commemorated not because how much they earned, but how much they acted, how much they influenced others, and how much they give back to society.

Rich Mind

"Rich is a state of mind. If you are rich on the inside, then you can go create money. If you are not rich on the inside, even if you get rich one day, you will find ways to get rid of it" - John Reeves

There was a memorable scene in the movie The pursuit of Happiness, where Chris Gardner (Will Smith) - an unemployed, broke, homeless, single parent with a son to raise; one day saw a red Ferrari 308 GTSi Quattrovalvole parked along the street, he quickly ran up to the driver and asked, "What do you do, and how do you do it?"

"I am a stock broker," driver replied.

Even though its a movie, Chris' attitude made a deep impression on me - A person who has lost all of his processions once meaningful to his life (house, car, wife, salary, friendships, bank accounts), yet is still able maintain a courage and ambition to look further and dream bigger than ordinary individuals. If he had not had the courage to ask the driver those two crucial questions (questions which turned his life around), he would not have known that the driver was a stock broker, and thus would not have determine to become a broker himself. He later became very successful at it and founded his own brokerage company that made him a millionaire.

Chris Gardner never thought of himself as being 'poor,' thus not allowing his circumstances to deter him away from being rich and think rich. - Rich is a mindset.

At the valley of his life, he did not see himself at despair, instead he is always motivated (with the desire to bring happiness to his son) to look for opportunities to climb back up to the peak. It was bold determination and courage which rewarded him happiness.

Between 0:27 - 0:40 sec,

5 skills necessary

Language: learn the language, and incorporate them into everyday speaking.

Communication: besides using words, practice communication through nonverbal, body language.

Marketing, PR: direct-response, train to communicate complete message/story to stranger

Sales: consultative sale over simple persuasive direct sell. start by asking questions to learn client's problem, see if you could offer them something useful, or if your product fit, then sell solution specific fixing their solution. The best seller would actually understand what client needs, and openly admit their product can't solve, but will refer someone else that could actually solve their problems...this builds trust and professionalism, learn to walk away and let opportunity finds its way.

Public speaking: rejection triggers pain, fear of potential rejection by audience. Learn it through practice public speaking.

No hands, no legs, no problem

"心裡的恐懼 是人生最大殘障" - Nick Vujicic & Alexander the Great

Fear is our biggest handicap.

True strength is not found in perfection, but in understanding our own limitations.

知足者富, 強行者有志.


Perspective: know where you are who you are. The way you see your life will determine how successful you are. See what you do have, not ponder what you don't have (知足), and use what you have wisely. Be thankful, give your self credit (肯定自己).

Vision: see far 遠見, know where you want go with what you have. The only limit is the ones you put on yourself. Vision is what keeps you moving forward. Dont give up with things you can't do today. "The day you have full potential is the day you have not, because there is still today."

Choice: It is up to you to decide who you are and what you want to do, then act upon it. Once determined, every decision, every action, every judgment could potentially propel you closer and closer towards your goal. So think mindfully every step you take.

Luxury is in the detail

detail lies in manufacturing of nencessity

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Business of Magazine

"Getting information first is one of the biggest luxury of all" - Tyler Brule, founder of Wallpaper* Magazine

In the age of exploded media and internetships, ability to acquire, process, and present info has already become the second greatest asset, first being our mind (which is partially shaped by info we acquired, but not totally, 凡事從心開始)


Monocle: 7000 copies printed per issue worldwide per day, 90,000 copies sold in the first year.

Journalistic over graphics like its predecessor Wallpaper*

The accessibility, the content, the medium of delivery (platform), the speed, efficiency, and portability.

platform being the most important, it decides how and what the info would be perceived by the audience.

Funding: from private equity firms, family investments, media corp, bank, readers, focus is on choosing one who understands the concept of the platform.

Understand what people want via market research, observation, survey.....costly and time consuming.

Where would it be read? on the road, plane, to work,

editorial budget: to finance the writers visiting and writing stories on the road.

Advertisers: bringing the platform and concept to the advertisement agency for approval to receive permission to publish products. Attracted not only to stats (ie # of copies sold annually) but also the perspectives ahead (ie expansion, content management, types of photos), as they wish magazines to be their primary advertising agency.

Distribution: Global - reduces risks of selling, wider audience may attract more global advertisers rather than only relying on a handful.

The abundance of web media drives further need for physical print. Print will become a precious scholarly luxury in the future. 反方向思考

Editorial consulting service...concept development of magazine comes from the desire to tell a strong narrative for each issue, with stories centering around the main idea...knowing what makes a good story, response to marketplace, find your target audience.

Archigram = telegraph

Friday, December 26, 2008

Knowledge will make you wealthy, while ignorance, selfishness, and greed will prevent you from being wealthy.

Marketing terms

Remember, there is the "best-selling author," but never the "best-writing author."

Museum + Marketing = Bilbao Effect

Architect + Branding + PR = Starchitect

Marketing's power concerns how the product can be effectively distributed to the potential customers, or you could say is a storytelling or narrative that helps public to understand your idea.

Pyramid Scheme: illegal, works somewhat like franchise, but does not actually sell anything.

Multi-level marketing or Network marketing: a business distribution model that use means of direct selling and relationship referrals such as "words of mouth" (involving the parent company of product, the distributors, and downline distributors, to sell)...similar to a franchise model.
Incentives (compensation, promotion, commission) motivates the distributors to sell or find more downline distributors, thus spreading the products.

direct selling: sell to customer via person
direct marketing: sell via mail, email, infomercial

Free-line: Products cheaply produced and can be give away to establish better customer relationships.

Depth-line: The products reserve for the best customers who wish to know you more.

消費者的口耳相傳是最強大的媒體 create value for yourself first, value is irreplaceable.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

7 Pounds of Yes! Man

"One must give in order to receive,
once received one must also give." - Ben Thomas IRS

"Its never too late to open a heart

Its never too late to change a life

Its never too late to take a chance" - Yes! Man


"Financial Intelligence is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard that money works for you, and how much generation you keep it for." - Robert Kiyosaki

Choose freedom over security, it means business of managing risks over avoiding risks.



Difference between four quadrants is emotion, choose quadrants based on personal belief and what is important.

Money is important, but don't spend your whole life working for it, let money work for you. Generate more free time to do other things more meaningful, such as time taking care of health, family, and friends.

Who you have to be, not what you have to do?

It doesn't take money to make money, nor a formal education.
Takes dream, determination, quick learning, and pick a quadrant.

how we choose to respond to emotions (of fear) : either security or freedom

4 cashflow quadrants:

Employee: need for security, receive salary, safe secure high paid job with good employee benefit.

Self employed: self employed type - owns the job and works for himself, do everything by himself (hard work and extreme effort) and works for duties responsible by many others in a business, be their own boss, or do their own things, private practice, receive salary for themselves, independent when comes to money, do it on their own and work hard, need for independence and freedom is more important than money, hardcore professionist....earn from commissions (artists, broker, freelance)

Business owner: own the business system and hire independent professionals to manage, don't have to work in business you own, while still be active in other quadrants like E, I.....looking for someone to run the company. "Why do it yourself when you could hire others to do it for you, better" - Henry Ford. Ownership and Leadership, bring out the best in everybody. Learn to work with elite people. Focus on the system of business (how departments run) not the product (burger).

Investment: money generate more money, is my cashflow from internal rate of return or net rate of return? Income generated without working for it, and still receive tax benefit columns.
Diversification: play to not lose. Focus: play to win. Instead of learning to avoid risk, learn to take and manage risk.

Wealth: "Number of days you survive without working and still maintain a same standard of living. Asset pays over your expenses." - Buckminster Fuller

security / financial security
freedom: business owner (people work for you), investor (money work for you) both are different skills. Education over ego.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

張學友老歌 新唱



晝夜亂了和諧 潮泛任性漲退 字典裡沒春天


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hamburger talk

"How many people can cook a better hamburger and food than McDonalds? I bet you can, and almost everyone else can. But how come McDonalds makes a lot more money than you do?" - Robert Kiyosaki.

There are so many people in this world with extraordinary talents but are still poor because they focus on cooking a better hamburger yet know little or nothing about business of marketing and selling.

The reason why schools don't teach us how to make money is because schools could not differentiate the fundamental difference between a profession versus a business. Ray Kroc, McDonald's founder separates between profession and business: his profession is about selling (hamburgers) this is what he works for on daily basis and get paid by the hours, yet his business is the accumulation of income producing real estate (asset), where his true wealth amasses without himself being at work. Most of us focus only on the income from our profession because this is what our school teaches (ie get a good education then find a stable high pay job in a good company, this causes you to depend on you salary to live, to work for money and play safe with your money rather than to let money work for you). School teach you to invest in your profession, but not in your business (income producing asset). It is business that can give you long term financial freedom, while profession will only provide you with financial long as you are still working and not retired...but how long can you work for, your whole life? This is why investment in income-generating asset is important. The earlier you start, the better. But its never too late.

There are valuable skills which you will learn from working in professions, these are necessary building-blocks to assist you in constructing a business and help you make a leap, such as understanding of leadership, communication, production, networking, and public relations. The purpose of profession is to learn necessary skills, while helping you to accumulate capital to pay to start up a business. In summary profession is essential in learning the skill set and knowledge about the process (business models), while help you earn enough asset to make a transition towards business building.
The next step is always more significant than the one you just took.


在職場上能否到達想要的境地,關鍵就在於用心. "在社會中,我們很習慣以成敗來論英雄。但談到夢想時,我相信沒有成功與失敗,只有堅持與不堅持,勇敢與不勇敢 !" - 時尚造型設計師Roger




就算娛樂圈這幾年來千變萬化,他還是一樣,從心出發, 以誠待人,這樣做會讓自己更快樂 - 那種呵護,完全出自內心,不需要回報."

藏拙 = 準備好 100% 才出手

* from 藏拙-書

Monday, December 22, 2008

"人有時候要跨出自己熟悉的音域範圍 冒險一點 才會有意想不到的收穫" 人生也因此會更多采多姿 - 黃韻玲的勇氣


"人生就像爬山一樣有高有低 會往上爬也會往下走 人有時候也要下到有清撤溪水的山谷看看 喝喝冰涼的溪水 洗洗身子後再往上爬" - 左賀超級阿嬤的毅力

"上山頂後拍張紀念照片就該往下走了 山頂上是不適合住人的 山頂沒有房子 沒有超市 什麼都沒有 但是溪邊有水有魚又有花 就像是超市一樣 若是從山上走下 再往上走就好了 人生像這樣高低的重複者 其實才是最安定的" - 左賀超級阿嬤的樂觀

"人生致死之前都是打發時間 而學習就是打發時間最好的方法 既能打發時間又可以增加知識" - 左賀超級阿嬤的態度


"慾望 只會讓我們受困於永恆的物質循環裡 如果我們把東西捨與運氣較差的人 心中卻會感到溫暖 知道我們有能力改善世界" - 達賴喇嘛的知足

Sunday, December 21, 2008


沒有你們 我不會有今天

伍思凱 - 分享
時間已做了選擇 什麼人叫做朋友
偶而碰頭 心情卻能一點就通

*因為我們曾有過 理想類似的生活
太多感受 絕非三言兩語能形容
擔心會犯錯 難免會受挫

#與妳分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有
至今我仍深深感動 好友如同一扇窗
與妳分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有
至今我仍深深感動 好友如同一扇門

Life's Lesson

"Life is the best teacher of all. Most of the time, life does not talk to you, it just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying - Wake Up! There is Something I Want You to Learn.

Life pushes all of us around, some give up, others fight. Those who welcome life pushing them around want to learn something from each moment in life and move on, "

"Laziness does not make one healthy nor wealthy."

"Passion is combination of love and courage, fueled by anger and discontent."

"Self inflicted fear, ignorance, and desire/greed (which rises from emotions) is what keeps people working for money, but not letting money work for them." R. Kiyosaki

Life's lesson

Summary of principles:

What is money? money is something everyone agrees on. Money can be any thing you want to be. If you can make something everyone agrees, then you can make money.

Know the difference between working for money and making money work for you, and Profession over Business. Work for money: profession, you work # of hr, and awarded $ per hr. Reality is: if you stop, $ does not come, and you can only work certain amount of hrs and being dependent on salary, rat race beings. Let money work for you: business, money comes even when you are not present, it works for you 24 hrs a day regardless of where you are what you are doing.

Asset: brings $ into your pocket.
Liability: takes $ out of your pocket.
Asset over liability, cashflow goes into asset first before going into expense. Must pay yourself first (regular contribution to asset) when the cheque is received, bills last, and use your intelligence not emotion to cut down expense, while make additional money to cover the bills.
Asset: Stock, mutual fund, real estate, GIS, bond, royalties, patents.... which will later help you to develop your own business. Liability: Mortgage, loans, debt, car payment, expense, anything out of your pocket. Your liability is someone's asset, your asset comes from someone's liability.

A house may be an asset or liability depending on the net income of the house. Ex: If the total month expense related to the income is less than the total income the house generate (ie via rent from tenant), then the net monthly income regarding the house is a surplus, thus the house is considered an (income generating) asset. If net income is deficit, then the house is a liability.
So always focus on asset, avoid liability.

True intelligence is knowing what is appropriate than what is right or wrong. Seeks balance, how much you should do, rather than being extreme and say either right or wrong right off the (emotional) bat....all about balance.

If you want something, you must first give.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Life is the best teacher of all. Most of the time, life does not talk to you, it just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying - Wake Up! There is Something I Want You to Learn.
Life pushes all of us around, some give up, others fight, those who want to learn something and move on, they welcome life pushing them around."

"Laziness does not make one healthy nor wealthy."

"Passion is combination of love and courage, fueled by anger and discontent.

"Self inflicted fear, ignorance, and desire/greed (which naturally rises from emotions) is what keeps people working for money."

Fear of not having money, and once they do, they feel money will buy them everything....this becomes an endless cycle that traps people into working for money their entire life...being rich and earn high paychecks does not solve the problem, it only makes you more fearful of losing money (fear) and wanting to earn more (desire)...this is when you are working for money, your emotions are controlled by money, your life is controlled by money. Ignorance is when you stop learning and search knowledge of oneself, you are shut off from the rest of the world, your perspective becomes narrowed, your mind is closed. Ignorance is the cause of greed and fear

Use your emotions to think, not to think with emotions. Higher emotions tend to lower financial intelligence. Mortgage: paying for home they never own, property tax, don't always appreciate in value, mortgage draws money away from other opportunities to make money, lost of time where other could grow in value, loss of additional capitol for other investment chance, lost of education. Primary income should be through income producing asset, not just wage itself. concentrate on buying income generating asset, keep liabilities (such as house) down.

"The rich buy assets, the poor only have expenses, the middle class buy assets thinking they are liabilities." Middle class work for owners of company, the government through taxes, and finally the banks through mortgages...this is a financial struggle...working for someone entire life, life revolve around wage and income column...this a lifestyle that they are trapped and will never get out of debt.

Business: something that generates asset without you being there you own, but managed by others (or else would be a profession). Stocks, bond, mutual funds, income generating real estate, notes IOU, intellectual royalities, patents, etc that appreciates and have a ready market.

Difference between Profession and Business: Schools trains people to have professional skills to enter the workplace to work for money. ex: if you are a banker, bank would be your profession, not business. . If you own the bank, bank would be your business. Ray Krock, McDonald's founder separates between profession and business: his profession is selling hamburgers (income), yet his business is the accumation of income producing real estate (asset). Most of us focus only on the income from our profession (ie wage, seeking raise or higher pay, educate for raise, cling to job and play safe could not help them survive during crisis), but not the asset. So buy real asset.

Work to learn, not to make seek what you will learn rather than what you will earn...look down the road to see what skills they want to acquire before choosing a specific profession before being trapped in a rat race. "You want to learn a little about a lot"
Leadership, selling

"How many people can cook a better hamburger than McDonalds? then how come McDonalds make more money than you do? So many talented people are poor because they focus on cooking a better hamburger and know little about business."

"best selling author, not best writing author."

manage of cash flow, time organization, people, selling, marketing, negotiating, communication
1. Need a strong reason/purpose greater than reality
2. Choose, power to choose is in you, every action every moment you need to choose...choosing to be rich requires certain spending habits you have to make. Choose to spend it foolishly and you will be poor. Choose to spend on liability and you will be a middle class, choose to spend on your mind and asset, then you will be wealthy. Learn & time are most important asset, what we do with our time?
3. Choose friend carefully, learn from all of them, what to do, what not to do.
4. master a formula of making money, then learn a new one.
5. Pay yourself first, power of self discipline, spend on asset, control desire and cut expense. Pay bill is the last, when run into difficulty paying bill, don't draw money from saving to pay for it, but use your intelligence to make more money. Mental fortitude.
6. pay broker well, pay professionals well (they educate you ,and give you better information, their service will earn you money, more they make, more you make.
7. Indian giver,
8. Buy luxury only from asset, not credit. Learn to make money, not work or borrow money to pay for luxury.
9. Need for hero, and naivety, follow them no to read and learn from them, their experience, negotiation, investment strategy.
10. If you want something, you first need to give. Be charitable and giving, both in money and education. If you want something, first give you what you want. When you in need of something or short of money, health, always give yours first, it will always come back. Be generosity which what you are, and the power of generosity will make them smarter. Principle of reciprocity. Poor is more greedy than wealth.

Job = just over then pay bill. Workers work hard enough to not get fired, while the owners pay just enough so the workers wont quit.

"Wealth is a person's ability to survive so many days forward." - Buckminster Fuller - fincancial survivability compared between asset (excluding wage) and expense. Asset is re-invested back into asset, while expense maintain low.

Living a life of fear and ignorance....
Dont react (dont let money control your emotion), think!
Dont work for money, let money work for you.

asset and liability, acquire only asset, not liability....use asset bring you cash, not money, money only accentuate your flow of cash.
Financial illiteracy: spend on liability than asset, do not know how to spend money wisely. Do more for less. An intelligent person hire people who are more intelligent than they are.
"more money does not solve problems, intelligence solve problems."

R. Kiyosaki

I don't run, I fight.

Priority: 1. be Rich, 2. be comfortable, 3. be secure.

Money can be any thing you want to be.

True intelligence is knowing what is appropriate than what is right or wrong. (seeks balance, how much you should do, rather than being extreme and say either right or wrong right off the (emotional) bat.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Design is as much logical as it is mental.

Affective design & business

Henrik Fisker - Chief in Design of Fords Motor, Aston Martin, BMW, and his own Fisker Coachbuilt.

"Passion. I remember, as a kid, riding in the back of my dad's old Saab 95 in Denmark. We were on the highway, and suddenly this silver Masertai Bora came upon us, then passed. At the time, to me, this car looked like a spaceship. I remember this tingly feeling I had, these goosebumps. That was it; that was the moment. I was into cars from then on."

"I have a certain way of designing, and I just won't shake that out of my system. I love pure sculpture, I like the right stance, large wheels sitting really well in the body; low-slung, sexy, beautiful, sculptural cars. I'm trying to create timeless designs that will last long. This is about creating a sense of style in this segment. This is not about quick hits....
When you see that car, something goes on in your stomach. It's so sexy, amazingly sexy. It almost doesn't matter how it drives."

"We want to be able to react to the market quickly; we have developed a way of designing and producing cars that allows us to go from idea and first sketch to market in about 18 months."

Quotes from:


“You can be the richest person in the world, but without the love of family and friends, you would also be the poorest.” - W. Buffett

There need to be a conscious line between business and personal life, don't let what happened in business interfere with who you are off stage with family and friends. Its like defining a boundary between what you can and cannot (code of ethics) in a professional practice, always know where you are standing with each decisions made, so you never come close to crossing the line. When in doubt, step back, don't be seduced by greet and benefits right in front of your eyes, because in the long run, such actions will pay bigger consequence.

“It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to lose it. If you think about that, you will do things differently.” - W. Buffett

Ex: kitchen renovation case. Frequent delays from contractors, as they were shuffling multiple projects at once to make more cash without telling the clients , thus putting smaller clients in disadvantage because their projects were constantly being pushed back to devote more time for larger, more profitable clients (delaying deadlines, lied about production progress with poor excuses). A kitchen island that suppose to be completed in 3 weeks (given by the contractor) took more than 4 months.

The client: couldnt do anything because no contracts were signed to enforce the progress, only way is to denounce the contractors and threaten to withdraw the project.

Lesson learned: you get what you paid (its cheaper to hire a contractor without signing contracts however, you also dont get your protection at the same time. Contract or mutual agreement (acting as check and ballance) regarding schedule is necessary to enforce meeting deadlines, also place professional responsibility (pressure) on both side to get the work done.

Client side: never pay in full or over half before the project has completed. Pay in increments by what is completed, pay only deposites. If you pay in full before any has started, you've just handed the power to the other side, thus losing our right to negotiate in case something goes wrong.
Contractor side: Stick to your promise, at least show effort in recovery if deadline could not be met.

了解市場 才能保障自己權力 不吃虧 但也決不佔對方便宜 能取能捨 守信用 商場之道

大S 說的對 : "責任比機會更重要,不是嗎?我認真看待我完成的作品,盡全力去配合推動;如果命中註定屬於我的東西,將來它一定會再來找我." 不佔一時便宜 賠了信用與機會

Fail before you suceeed

Success is not a good teacher. Only through making mistakes you can learn valuable lessons that others can't.

"A job with challenges keeps things interesting, creates high self-esteem, promotes creativity, and attracts the highest-quality people." Mr. Buffett

With all challenges, there has to be risks, thus mistake is inevitable. Mistake will motivate one's aggression and responsibility, it is what makes success so challenging yet rewarding.


每當有不好事發生時 就會浮現新的機會

一台吸塵器不好用 代表這市場需要有新產品去與它競爭

經濟衰退 暗示了是投資的好時機

"世界上最強大的力量不是核子武器, 而是複利" - 愛因斯坦

Thursday, December 18, 2008


獨夜無伴守燈下 清風對面吹
十七八歲未出嫁 遇到少年家
果然標緻面肉白 誰家人子弟
想要問伊驚歹勢 心內彈琵琶

誰說女人心難猜 欠個人來愛
花開當折直須摘 青春最可愛
自己買花自己帶 愛恨多自在
只為人生不重來 何不放開懷


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The day design becomes obsolete

I was at a Jeffrey Kipnis lecture half a year ago when he was speaking to a class of grad students at Sciarc. He started up the lecture by asking, "what is a window for?" Some brave students in the audience shouted confidently, "for viewing," "lets air and light in," "evaculate in case of fire," and "block outdoor sound." Now the interesting fact, if the same question was asked to a group of audience who do not have a formal education in design and architecture, would their answers be the same as grad students now in the audience who have been studying for over 4 years? I would think so too.

Design lacks necessity, this is fundamentally the reason why it does not have enough relevance that it should compare to other disciplines such as economy, science, even entertainment.
In design, almost every theoretical design position can be argued because the very foundation supporting the argument is built upon a system of perceptions (subjectivity), rather than facts, which makes it relatively easier to argue in comparison to other disciplines such as business or science, where solid quantitative data (statistics) are required to verify their interpolations in order for ideas to be validated. This results in over-saturation of design theories and projects being produced that can spread everywhere throughout the wide-spectrum, relevant and irrelevant, like viewing through a pool of videos on Youtube database (probably only 1 % out of millions out there is actually useful). The fact is designers do not build their work off of predecessors, nor share/exchange relevant information to other designers in the field as much compare to other industries such as medicine, psychology, physics, etc. This has to do with the profession's over-emphasis on individuality, believing that 'genuine' creativity could only come from an individual or a small elite group - thus preventing design from effectively progressing forward towards relevant ideas in consistent pace over time. This causes design to have less of its relevance. The fact that there is too much design ideas out there makes it impossible to validate every single one of them. As a result, the goal has become not to verify what we do is indeed correct or incorrect, rather, design has become a medium for individuals used to express their own self interests....there is a lot more leverage in design for interpretations that can be more personal.

Design need to break from its own bubble in order to expand and become more influential, more accessible, and less expensive to practice and execute.
design perceived as rich man's hobby, prostitution, thrive and expand only when the society reached the economy of abundance. The fact is, when people are struggling to earn the cash to pay for next meal, would they be worrying about how comfortable their chairs feel? what material their dinner table is made off? Design need to restablish a sense of urgency and necessity in order to provide a relevant service to society
Parametric design the future?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


浪奔 浪流 萬里滔滔江水永不休
淘盡了 世間事 混作滔滔一片潮流

是喜 是愁 浪裏分不清歡笑悲憂
成功 失敗 浪裏看不出有未有

愛你恨你 問君知否 似大江一發不收
轉千灣 轉千灘 亦未平復此中爭鬥

又有喜 又有愁 就算分不清歡笑悲憂
仍願翻 百千浪 在我心中起伏夠

仍願翻 百千浪 在我心中起伏夠

瑜, 何生亮.

心建築 心氣象

助人為設計之本 凡事必從心開始

心不廣 江湖上難立足 更何況走遠

心 is our intention & vision - pure, open, unimpeded.

心可改變態度 開放的態度能學的快 隨機應變 多元化思考 減輕風險
after all, having more options is better than not having any.

Monday, December 15, 2008


幾分欣喜 幾分愁...複雜帶細膩 很動聽的歌
漫天的話語 紛亂落在耳際 你我沉默不回應
牽你的手 你卻哭紅了眼睛 路途漫長無止盡
多想提起勇氣 好好的呵護你 不讓你受委屈苦也願意
那些痛的記憶 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地開出下一個花季
風中你的淚 滴滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜

迷霧散盡 一切終於變清晰 愛與痛都成回憶
遺忘過去 繁花燦爛在天際 等待已有了結局
我會提起勇氣 好好地呵護你 不讓你受委屈苦也願意
漫天紛飛的花語 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地開出下一個花季

風中你的淚 滴滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜
那些痛的記憶 落在春的泥土裡 滋養了大地開出下一個花季
風中你的淚 滴滴滴落在回憶裡 讓我們取名叫做珍惜

庾澄庆 伊能静 (諷刺吧)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

藝術到魔術 忘我境界

"好的表演 要從技術演變到藝術 藝術到魔術 魔術到巫術"

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there" - R. Kiyosaki

"Can you really explain to a fish what it is like to walk on land? One day on land is worth a thousand years talking about it." - W. Buffett

Knowledge is great, but action is a must.


Complementarity: an economic term describing when you put together skills / goods from different sources, they complement each other and produce good that is better than on its own. People who building a company are not typically great at running then because these are two totally different set of skills - entrepreneurship & management, which require both the founders and the ceo. Physicists and journalist also complement in theory; physicist does the research, and the journalist publish and sells it. -Steven Dubner


夠寫實, 不知那位宅男是比喻誰?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

鑰匙掛腰帶 皮夾插後面口袋 黑框的眼鏡有 幾千度 來海邊穿西裝褲
他不在乎 我卻想哭 有點無助他的樣子 像剛出土的文物
他烤肉竟然會 自帶水壺 寫信時用漿糊 走起路 一不注意就撞樹
我不想輸 就算辛苦 我也要等我也不能 讓你再走尋常路

我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘
喔對了對女生用心疼 約會要等 講笑話不能悶 別太冷 像我一樣就剛好
對愛的人 接吻要深 擁抱要真 來電顯示 給個甜蜜的暱稱
穿著要個性 這只是剛入門 接下來你還要 會彈琴會寫歌 會雙截棍
頭腦清楚 不能迷糊 我要將你徹底改造 基因重組大變身

我決定插手你的人生 當你的時尚顧問 別說你不能
讓我們乘著陽光 海上衝浪 吸引她目光 不要怕露出胸膛 流一點汗 你成了型男
讓我們乘著陽光 看著遠方 別當路人甲 讓美女缺氧 靠在你肩膀 我微笑在你旁邊撐傘

周杰倫 方文山

Friday, December 12, 2008

Computer is extremely fast, yet extremely stupid.
Human brain is extremely slow, yet extremely intelligent.
"Computer is extremely fast, yet extremely stupid.
Human brain is extremely slow, yet extremely intelligent." - Carl Honore
"You could be the richest man in the world, but without the love of family and friends, you would also be the poorest."

Success = "being loved by the people you hope love you."

"Money, to some extend, sometimes lets you be in more interesting environments. But it can’t change how many people love you or how healthy you are." It may only give you more options at time.

Dont do it for the resume, do it for yourself. There comes a point in time where you must do what you really want.

One x or two xx on your resume dont make any difference.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

ideo practical


Architecture needs to depart from culture in order to become a cultural necessity. Necessity does not come from isolated theoretical practice within the profession (selfish ideological), but is created when the theory networks crosses beyond, breaking its preconceived boundaries, emerge to become more relevant.

文學與經濟做的到的(推理) 建築竟然還一直躲在被窩裡 被誤會是個反應派

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


建築是場遊戲 理財是場遊戲
管理是場遊戲 行銷又是場遊戲
遊戲就是場遊戲 扮演的遊戲人物萬一輸了 賠了 被淘汰了
對我們來說 畢竟還是場遊戲
我們的人生本質不會 (也不必要) 因輸贏而改變
黃金市價每天上下撥動 但黃金本質永遠不變
人類感受每天上下起伏 但人類本信永遠不變

輸了 不服氣 在多玩幾場
休息 在玩
在休息 在玩
還一直輸 輸的精疲力盡
累了 卷了 大不了不玩了
打退堂鼓 好好去享受 不管輸贏都可享受到的新鮮空氣

Win or lose don't matter as much when you know you are still living.
And knowing that you have lived is what really matters in Life.


嚇 命有幾回合 擂台等着
生死狀 赢了什麼 冷笑着
天下誰的 第一又如何
止干戈 我輩尚武德

我的 拳脚了得
却奈何 徒增虚名一個

江湖難測 誰是强者

女聲:小城里歲月流過去 清澈的勇氣
洗滌過的回憶 我記得你 驕傲的活下去

霍霍霍霍 霍霍霍霍 霍家拳的套路招式靈活
我我我我 我我我我 活着生命就該完整渡過
我我我我 我我我我 過錯軟弱從來不屬於我
霍霍霍霍 霍霍霍霍 我們精武出手無人能躲 "
詞:方文山 曲:周杰倫

人生不會因為只是遊戲 而不玩 不盡力 不珍惜
在透過遊戲 來專磨知識如何在人生中被運用



人生就是遊戲 人生就是學習
有了無形的資產 輸贏也不會怕它遺失


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


"路多寬走多遠 要看心有多廣 多開
只要心開 目標永遠都在眼前" - 黃韻玲

人的心 象元子一樣 看不見 摸不著
但當它被引燃時 將會產生無可想象的爆發力

那我們的心 隨時都有可能引燃



如閃光般 陽光燦爛...

知足者富 強行者有志
不急躁 不自滿 一步一步實現理想

Sunday, December 7, 2008


到了竹林深處才發現 原來答案一直跟隨在我在身邊 一起成長 發芽,

雖然不多 但我願意把我有的全部都交出來.

The question is precisely this: "What can i take with me when I die?"

No material will last.

3 points

"the deadliest weapon in the world is a smile

the most powerful force in the world is compassionate love

the most worthwhile pursuit in life is the pursuit of happiness."

Jet Li