Monday, November 3, 2008

To the newly elected leaders of America

National (international) economy is the priority. If the government cannot feed its people and make them comfortable (making good money), then how do you expect to get people's support? So rescuing the economy and eliminate fear of recession, restore consumer confidence should be the top priority of the new government.

There are some ways to rescue the current economy from becoming a major recession:

1. Stop the war against Iraq and Afghanastan....before saving others, save your own people. If you cant manage your own country's concern, then why should you mind other nation's business? how could they trust you?

2. Reduce budget deficit. Spend less than what you actually collect from federal taxes. Stop war will reduce military spendings...thus sparing more money to spend on economic incentives, medical insurance, social security, and most importantly - education. Remember, this recession may take many years to recover, and a majority of the baby boomers population are retiring over the next decades, so training for the next generation to take over is critical in terms of the nation's economy in the long run, the country's prosperity depend on the future generations, they must be secured.

3. Reduce national dept, how? I don't know, cut deficit spending first.Or else future generations will have to repay this irresponsible debt.

4. Secure our foreign policy with Japan and China, one of the biggest US bond owners in the world. If they withdraw the bonds, the economy will collapse. So smile and be friendly, at least convince them that US is still worth investing in the long run. This may also means to balance the trade deficit between US and China.

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