Friday, November 7, 2008


From now on, Atmosphere should replace the word sensation. Atmosphere is beyond sensation. Sensation concerns the mood of space, object, time,perhaps more personal, describing one's feelings from within oneself, more subjective. While atmosphere is more objective, concerning the mood of the space/architecture/set rather than of oneself. It asks the question: what does this space offer (space to person)?, rather than how you feel in this space (person to space). Thus placing more focus on the spatial elements (materials, tectonics, color, lighting, and ways (pattern/organization systems) in which they are brought together) that combined to establish a particular atmosphere(s). Contemporary atmospheric spaces attempt to provoke five senses through employment of various techniques, although most stay mainly visual.

Atmosphere constructs sensations.

"In psychology, sensation is the first stage in the biochemical and neurologic events that begins with the impinging of a stimulus upon the receptor cells of a sensory organ, which then leads to perception, the mental state that is reflected in statements like "I see a uniformly blue wall." In other words, sensations are the first stages in the functioning of senses."

"Sensation" in Wikipedia

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