Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Empty Cognizance

Empty cognizance reduces human suffering.

Cause of suffering:
Desire, discontent, believe in permanence

What to do?
believe in impermanence, detachment from non-existed, nothing exists, including your mind. Objects are perceived and experienced, but does not mean they actually exist. (can you point to where your mind is? Can you point to "space?" what you are pointing at is a wall, a ceiling, a floor, etc, "space" like "mind" is a concept based on our experience with a collection of many objects, like everything else, you cannot pinpoint to one and say this is definitely a "space" or "mind", objects are concepts formulated based on our experiences with many other objects which are also concepts, concepts are assumptions we take for granted, nothing actually exists.)

We conceptualize objects around us, but we never could pinpoint their existence....
Our knowledge is founded on basis of inductive reasoning (making hypothesis based on past experiences), hence knowledge are not facts, they are fallacies derived from our perceptual experience. Since our perceptions are deceptive, cant be trusted (subjective, varying depending on circumstances), its fair to say knowledge is not concrete, so is every objects around us that are conceptualized based on our knowledge. We cannot prove existence of objects, they are empty, despite we 'feel' their existence.

Believing that nothing exists might be too difficult to accept unless you are a Buddha, so here is a less extreme version for us to contemplate:

Suffering arouse from our attachment to objects around us, because nothing in this world is permanent, objects we own and hold onto dearly will eventually perish or die, causing suffering. So the more we attach to, the more we suffer as a result. The objects we are always in pursue of....does not stay permanently, we will one day disappoint ourselves, again, causing more suffering.

Empty cognizance can reduce suffering. We are aware of our experiences with objects around us, however just because we felt their existence does not mean we need to conceptualize the object and thinking that it actually exists (our perceptions of existence are based on induction, a fallacy). We know they are all empty and impermanent in reality, thus no need to conceptualize/being attached to the object, hence we will not suffer if we felt we have lost them.

We perceive the existence of our thoughts because we perceive the existence of the object which our thoughts contemplate on. But if we know that the objects actually do not exist, or not meant to last forever, then our thoughts will one day perish with the objects. So dont be attach too deeply to your thoughts, dont be attached to0 deeply to your objects, one day they come, one day they will go again. Get use to gaining and losing, one day you just may realize that losing is actually a gain. (Gain loss theory)

"Everything has a beginning, has an end." - Matrix

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