Friday, November 28, 2008


將這首歌 獻給所有曾被感動過的朋友

如果我能看得見 就能輕易地分辨白天黑夜
如果我能看得見 就能準確地在人群中 牽住你的手
如果我能看得見 就能駕車帶你到處遨遊 就能驚喜的從背後給你一個擁抱
如果我能看得見 生命也許完全不同 可能我想要的我喜歡的我愛的都不一樣

眼前的黑不是黑 你說的白是什麼白
人們說的天空藍 是我記憶中那團白雲背後的藍天
我望向你的臉 卻只能看見一片虛無
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了簾 忘了掀開

你是我的眼 帶我領略四季的變換
你是我的眼 帶我穿越擁擠的人潮
你是我的眼 帶我閱讀浩瀚的書海
因為你是我的眼 讓我看見世界就在我眼前


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Life through Straws

Our life consist of many beliefs. Imaging each belief that you cling on to represents a straw, what you see through this straw represents your view of this world. But in reality, the world we exist is as boundless as the sky, but unfortunately, you can only see a small portion of the sky through that straw. Thus what you believe in will actually narrow what you see. Now, the more beliefs you cling onto, the broader the picture of this world you might be able to see because you have more straws, right? However, when you try to see the sky with all these straws at hand, you can no longer get a clear view of this world, instead you see the edges of the straws more than the actual view, the edges represent boundaries exist between your beliefs that will ultimately obscure your vision of this world.

The question is, how do you get the broadest view of this world?

In response, Professor Salzberg, a well known spiritual practitioner, simply said to put down all the straws. "When we have the courage to put down the straw and view the sky as it is, vast and unimpeded, then we can recognize the varied perspectives each straw gives us. We can recognize the difference between our very favorite straw, our most accustomed straw, out exquisitely preserved straw, and the sky itself. If we hold the straw skillfully, we will be able to put it down sometimes and look nakedly at the sky."

The important thing is not to have as many straws as possible, this does not give us a better picture of the world, but instead we must recognize that the world is as vast as sky, each straw you cling to has its limitations, therefore, it is critical to step outside the straws and be self-critical of your beliefs. You can hold on to them, but always keep in mind that the world in reality is boundless like a sky, we must have the courage to question our own dearest beliefs from time to time in order to not be restricted by them. When we have the courage to question our beliefs, we will become more critical and open-minded, and thus giving us faith to embrace sudden changes and uncertainly in our life.

保持開放 別自我設限
與其被迫改變 不如自我改變

Monday, November 24, 2008


多次與大人 朋友 醫生 助理 傢具店員 銀行業務們溝通 學到做每decision前 不管你對你的看法多有把握 都必須要為對方與自己給一條後路

將來這條路也許會給你更多機會 自己以後也才不會吃虧

天知到 也許今天的敵人會變成你明天必須依賴的上師 老闆 client 或救命恩人

未來無法遇撤 我為一能control的只有現在

現在如不表現好一點 以後不保證會有一樣的機會從做一次

所以人不可貌相 現在要對每位誠懇一點

有遠見 給條後路 是葛好的態度

要把此態度變成習慣 平時必須心平氣和 不為一時利益 自付 與情緒衝動 而抹滅了以後的機會

Have faith, be nice to everyone may sound simple, but only people who really understand and practice this concept will see its true value - this is EQ.

Today does not mean tomorrow.

If you look far enough, what you fear now will become unsubstantial.

I am wrong, I apologize, and I need to change.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


True strength is found not in perfection, but in understanding our own limitation.

Creativity is maximized when you live by the moment.

Saturday, November 22, 2008






Above is an excerpt from the blog, I find it quite appealing...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


最近有點空虛 三更半夜就醒了 不知做什摸
途然想到一些朋友 想聊聊 但好像離越來越遠了
各至有了自幾的時間 事物 我已算多餘的
禿然又想到你 回想過去 有事就打電話分享
覺得現在有點孤獨 已不能在象已前一樣...隨心的打 隨心的聊
畢竟有點不一樣了 或許我只是有點想 想當年

這禮拜要看多倫多醫生了 還是...有點想









Saturday, November 15, 2008


Emotional Intelligence, like Intelligent Quotient, are not innate, but developed through our daily habits. If habits improve, it is definitely possible for both to improve as well. The key is to maintain compassion and mindfulness in every moment, as a personal discipline. Attitude, persistence clears obstacles.

"The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heacy to be broken" - Warren Buffett

思想與個性是習慣照成 趁年輕多學點正面觀念與個性 把這些變成習慣

好的留 壞的戒 為自己未來鋪路 還來的及

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Empty Cognizance

Empty cognizance reduces human suffering.

Cause of suffering:
Desire, discontent, believe in permanence

What to do?
believe in impermanence, detachment from non-existed, nothing exists, including your mind. Objects are perceived and experienced, but does not mean they actually exist. (can you point to where your mind is? Can you point to "space?" what you are pointing at is a wall, a ceiling, a floor, etc, "space" like "mind" is a concept based on our experience with a collection of many objects, like everything else, you cannot pinpoint to one and say this is definitely a "space" or "mind", objects are concepts formulated based on our experiences with many other objects which are also concepts, concepts are assumptions we take for granted, nothing actually exists.)

We conceptualize objects around us, but we never could pinpoint their existence....
Our knowledge is founded on basis of inductive reasoning (making hypothesis based on past experiences), hence knowledge are not facts, they are fallacies derived from our perceptual experience. Since our perceptions are deceptive, cant be trusted (subjective, varying depending on circumstances), its fair to say knowledge is not concrete, so is every objects around us that are conceptualized based on our knowledge. We cannot prove existence of objects, they are empty, despite we 'feel' their existence.

Believing that nothing exists might be too difficult to accept unless you are a Buddha, so here is a less extreme version for us to contemplate:

Suffering arouse from our attachment to objects around us, because nothing in this world is permanent, objects we own and hold onto dearly will eventually perish or die, causing suffering. So the more we attach to, the more we suffer as a result. The objects we are always in pursue of....does not stay permanently, we will one day disappoint ourselves, again, causing more suffering.

Empty cognizance can reduce suffering. We are aware of our experiences with objects around us, however just because we felt their existence does not mean we need to conceptualize the object and thinking that it actually exists (our perceptions of existence are based on induction, a fallacy). We know they are all empty and impermanent in reality, thus no need to conceptualize/being attached to the object, hence we will not suffer if we felt we have lost them.

We perceive the existence of our thoughts because we perceive the existence of the object which our thoughts contemplate on. But if we know that the objects actually do not exist, or not meant to last forever, then our thoughts will one day perish with the objects. So dont be attach too deeply to your thoughts, dont be attached to0 deeply to your objects, one day they come, one day they will go again. Get use to gaining and losing, one day you just may realize that losing is actually a gain. (Gain loss theory)

"Everything has a beginning, has an end." - Matrix

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


"大魔王你能活幾年 幾千年 或幾萬年 或你跟本就不會死
相比之下 我們人類的一生就如同瞬間的煙火一樣
從你們的眼中看來 人的一生就好像眨眼的瞬間吧

但即使已知到結果 我們也要掙扎.

無論剩下的人生有五十年或只有五分鐘 對我們而言都一樣
雖然只有一瞬間 但卻要如閃光般
發出耀眼光芒地活下去" - 何布

Above sentence, what represents faith is - "如閃光般..." because it does not expect anything, but rather, it allows one to move forward despite uncertainty regarding what future might unfold.

the rest of sentences that followed are fixated hope, with an expectations in mind.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


There is such thing as music therapy, since architecture is close to music, does this mean architecture can also be considered a therapy? can it cure mentally ill, tap into the deeper emotional minds of its inhabitants during rehabilitation?

Arch-theraoy aims to mediate the suffering caused by our modern sickness, time-sickness, dependency on technology, haste, ignorance, unsatisfaction, privacy, that results in lack of happiness amongst people in society.

Good Architecture = Good Song

Architecture is a Song

Lyrics 詞 = Meaning, history, theory that puts the design into discussion by providing a narrative platform to express its support/denial of the context which it is discussed).

Tune 曲 = atmosphere, dictates the way in which the design is to be expressed according to the intended lyrics. Form, order, organization, tectonic expressions, material, color, pitch, rhythm, dynamics, texture, composition

A song with good tune does not require understanding of the lyrics of the song in order to enjoy it. Its purpose is to set the mood, not storytelling. Ex: Jay Chou's 周大俠, almost all of Jays songs dont require understanding of the lyrics, instead, its efforts lies in the complexity and layering of multiple tunes, he sings with tune in mind, rather than the content, this is what makes him so unique in contemporary culture. Other examples like Enya, which seem to express her voice as a musical instrument, a mechanism of expression, rather than as a storytelling medium.

However, classical songs 80's and before, often has to rely on the content of lyrics to captivate its audience, since the technology (sound mixers, garage band, etc) for making and editing tunes where not as sophisticated and diverse as it is now.

Combination of the two results in a great song; a great architecture, that when experienced, provides you with goosebumps.

UM + SCI-Arc = a great song.


我曾懷疑我 走在沙漠中
從不結果 無論種什麼夢
才張開翅 膀風卻便沉默
習慣傷痛 能不能算收穫

慶幸的是我 一直沒回頭
終於發現 真的是有綠洲
每把汗流了 生命變的厚重
走出沮喪 才看見新宇宙

海闊天空 在勇敢以後
要拿執著 將命運的鎖打破


凌晨的窗口 失眠整夜以後
看著黎明 從雲裡抬起了頭
日落是沉潛 日出是成熟
只要是光 一定會燦爛的

海闊天空 狂風暴雨以後
轉過頭 對舊心酸一笑而過
讓我擁有 好故事可以說

看未來 一步步來了

















音樂可讓人起雞皮疙瘩建築不能嗎 ?

The world needs more 起雞皮疙瘩的建築

system variation, layering composition, harmony, ups and downs, specularity, like a well orchestrated symphony. Music transcends meaning, a good music allows one who does not have a music knowledge to experience goose-bumps, apealiing to everyone's innate feelings, what about architecture?

儲蓄 理財 名牌

saving money is an attitude
its not about counting and saving every single penny
its about knowing not to underestimate the opportunities which one dollar may bring
helping you spend at things thats worth more than its value.

不是說樣樣要省吃撿用 每元都計較


象徵了 設計 型象 企業管理 與時代的結精
所以值得去探討 去穿 去了解它為何成功

在這個越來越重視 視覺美觀的社會
如果事實如此 那不就是 one rock kill two birds

名牌必須選擇適當的場和 才能發揮出它最大效果
有位老師說過 "right tool for the right tasks"
不然就像去夜市穿晚禮服一樣 變的花枝招展的 很糗

平時穿的舒適 健康 就好


當你有了強又深的設計 搭配好的包裝 與高效率的執行程序
恭禧你!! - 你的設計生涯就此起步

我相信這些老師早已告知過我 額我遲鈍的腦袋現在也以明白

AX雖然不算名牌 但其設計和質感仍不算太壞


但希望在你忙碌時 能幫你解壓 發洩一下

wish 心靈 healthy

Friday, November 7, 2008


From now on, Atmosphere should replace the word sensation. Atmosphere is beyond sensation. Sensation concerns the mood of space, object, time,perhaps more personal, describing one's feelings from within oneself, more subjective. While atmosphere is more objective, concerning the mood of the space/architecture/set rather than of oneself. It asks the question: what does this space offer (space to person)?, rather than how you feel in this space (person to space). Thus placing more focus on the spatial elements (materials, tectonics, color, lighting, and ways (pattern/organization systems) in which they are brought together) that combined to establish a particular atmosphere(s). Contemporary atmospheric spaces attempt to provoke five senses through employment of various techniques, although most stay mainly visual.

Atmosphere constructs sensations.

"In psychology, sensation is the first stage in the biochemical and neurologic events that begins with the impinging of a stimulus upon the receptor cells of a sensory organ, which then leads to perception, the mental state that is reflected in statements like "I see a uniformly blue wall." In other words, sensations are the first stages in the functioning of senses."

"Sensation" in Wikipedia

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"人生的戰場上 射不太準 卻能拔槍快 射的多的人 常成為神射手的剋星" - 劉庸

Sometimes you need to know a little about a lot.

A: "&^&^@#@ ?"
B: "...."

A: "&^&^@#@ ?"
B: "...."

A: "...!"

A: "$$$"
B: "!!!"

B: "&^&^@#@ ? $%#&$^*# $+$+$"

A: "$$"
B: "$$+$ !"

A: "$"
B: "$+$!"

A: "$$"
B: "$$!"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Economics of life

Life is not perfect.
You can’t satisfy everyone, can’t do everything, with good quality, because scarcity exists.
Everyday we are forced to make decisions as a result of limited resources (materials, and even notion of time) yet so many demands. Scarcity limit us to how much we can buy, consume, and spend. Thus we need to make choices, prefer doing one task or buy one thing over the other…ultimately constructing our economic behaviors, our economic way of life. Hence the key to better economic way of life is balance.

To help us make better decisions require understanding each choice’s benefits and consequences. Thus a better decision often gives the most benefits (satisfy more of your needs/desire, more incentives) with you spending the least amount of scarce resources (good quality at low price)…this thinking thus forms the basis of our economic life. Making better decision often require risks analysis, thinking further to evaluate whether the decision you make today will have positive return (ie. Bringing more benefits to you) in the future. A high risk choice will likely limit or narrow your beneficial decisions in the future.

One concept people often ignore is that with every decision you make in life has trade-offs (capitol loss). For instance, if you spend two hours overtime to fulfill your work task today, you ended up losing two hours family time with your children and wife, or friends. So no matter how what choice you made, there is always something you cannot recover from. If everyone follows economic principles, lose is inevitable in all decisions made, the question is simply how much you lose.

Back to balance. To live in a economic life is to seek balance between trade-offs, between quantitative choices versus qualitative. However, as technology and (as a result of technology) secularism prospers…the world today exists in an imbalance between quantitative needs over the qualitative. This is evident in a major social problems that we face today - “time-sickenss” (doing everything fast) as a result of hot-pursuit for efficiency. As an architect, one who believes in balance, the world we exist today is overly charged with quantitative over qualitative aspect of living, the lack of so called the mind nourishment. The subject of qualitative properties is rarely discussed especially in architecture because of its ambiguity/subjectivity. We often think that people feel better in one house than the other because of their own background, demographics, experience, etc, things that architects have no control or prediction of, However, ironically, as technology progresses, our understanding of human brain increases, we begin to unravel the truth about sensations and feelings. With MRI technology, we can now accurately pinpoint what causes particular emotion to occur in what part of our brain, thus realizing the fact that emotions can be triggered, or manufactured more consistently, something that is no longer purely random and subjective. Experiments involving exposing certain object to several people and understand their emotional reactions to each object, in attempt to rationalize what causes those emotions. But I am aware qualitative should remain subjective, or else it would not be considered qualitative anymore, thus unable to achieve the quantitative/qualitative balance that I am hoping to achieve initially. However, with new interdisciplinary¬¬ knowledge in neurology, neuroeconomics, I hope to understand human decisions through the emotional side of their brain, in better hope for an architecture that could tap deeper into the minds of the inhabitants, to make us slow down, embrace temporary randomness, to savor every moment of the unexpected (by offering surprising returns/experiences that is specific to site and time), as an attempt to strike a balance in this imbalanced over-quantitative economic way of life.

How to fabricate slowness sensation, how to manufacture mind provocations, not simply visual provocations?
How can architecture have deeper impact beyond its material/visual existence, to influence our sensual and mind experiences? How people understand there is something beyond simply what they see, what is that “something” which drives their experiences?

To the newly elected leaders of America

National (international) economy is the priority. If the government cannot feed its people and make them comfortable (making good money), then how do you expect to get people's support? So rescuing the economy and eliminate fear of recession, restore consumer confidence should be the top priority of the new government.

There are some ways to rescue the current economy from becoming a major recession:

1. Stop the war against Iraq and Afghanastan....before saving others, save your own people. If you cant manage your own country's concern, then why should you mind other nation's business? how could they trust you?

2. Reduce budget deficit. Spend less than what you actually collect from federal taxes. Stop war will reduce military spendings...thus sparing more money to spend on economic incentives, medical insurance, social security, and most importantly - education. Remember, this recession may take many years to recover, and a majority of the baby boomers population are retiring over the next decades, so training for the next generation to take over is critical in terms of the nation's economy in the long run, the country's prosperity depend on the future generations, they must be secured.

3. Reduce national dept, how? I don't know, cut deficit spending first.Or else future generations will have to repay this irresponsible debt.

4. Secure our foreign policy with Japan and China, one of the biggest US bond owners in the world. If they withdraw the bonds, the economy will collapse. So smile and be friendly, at least convince them that US is still worth investing in the long run. This may also means to balance the trade deficit between US and China.






作曲:周杰倫 作詞:周杰倫







Sunday, November 2, 2008


Do I know it exists? Yes, it finds me.
Do I know how it feels? Yes, suffering, unhappy, fear.
Do I know what causes it? Yes, the object, the reality.
Do I know how it will affect me? Yes, agitation, temptation, fear.
Do I care? Yes, compassion for self and others.
Will this disturb my mind? No, its empty, comes and goes.
Will this constraint my actions? No, I live in peace and co-existence.


What is Thought.

Our thoughts exist, because thoughts are tied to an objects which exist. Therefore, we could say that thoughts are the objects, thoughts exist because the objects that cause/arose this thought exist. Thoughts cannot exist without the objects, so the thoughts are the objects themselves, the objects are the thoughts. And since objects do not exist (its empty, immaterial) therefore, we shall not "dwell on the Nonconditioned [non-existed]."

Meaning one should recognize the thoughts of the objects, but should not limit his/her actions to something (condition of the object) which does not ultimately exists. Be mindful of everything, but take control of your actions, not be mis-guided by non existed objects/thoughts, they are empty and impermanent, and there is no purpose to pursue or be agitated by them.

Original excerpt:

" Thought is like the flame of a lamp, and it proceeds through causes and conditions.

where there is an object, there thought arises. If the object were one thing, and the thought another, then there would be a double state of thought. So the object itself is just thought.

Thought proceeds, without any staying power, like a monkey or like the wind. It ranges far, bodiless, easily changing, agitated by the objects of sense, with the six sense-fields for its sphere, connected with one thing after another.

What does it mean, "not dwelling on the Nonconditioned"? The bodhisattva contemplates the reality of Emptiness but does not take Emptiness as an object of attainment.

The bodhisattva practices the reality of Nonappearance and Nonpursuit but does not take Nonappearance or Nonpursuit as an object of attainment....

He meditates on Suffering but does not reject the world of births and deaths.

He meditates on Detachment but goes on realizing good things in the world.

He meditates on Nonaction but continues always his acts oof service and education.

He meditates compassion but does not abandon Great Compassion.

Practicing in the way, the bodhisattva is described as "not dwelling on the Nonconditioned."

He has wisdom but does not end his action in the realm of the conditioned...he wants to realize his great Vow but he will not abandon the conditioned world. "

Excerpts from
Nhat Hanh - "The Miracle of Mindfulness" 1987, p. 135-138

One shall bridging the gap between the current "conditioned world" and the ultimate reality.

One shall see how empty and impermanent the conditioned world (object, thoughts) is in compare to reality. However, one shall not as a result, ignore the object and thoughts, instead, should always be mindful of their impermanence deep inside their minds.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
