Sunday, October 5, 2008

The World still needs our Left Brain

Left brain thinking is important.

It deals with
it helps you to make critical analysis and judgment based on logic and reasoning (objective, quantitative) which are detached from your initial emotions.

Emotions are normally temporal, hence making decisions based on emotions dont always work in the long run. Architecture are built to last a considerable periods of time, so you better not make your decisions purely on emotions, or else buildings will lose intentions and meanings with its selfish tempo.

Experiences are not accumulation of emotions (it can be, but not always). It is more of the accumulation of your knowledge and encounterance with similar situations repeatedly through life. So when someone (ie architects) are making decisions based on experience, this does not mean they are making them based on their emotions at those moments (like artists probably do). They are indeed practicing through reasoning, to make the best choices, to strike the balance between all criteria needed to be fulfilled.

Creativity does not always come from emotions, and being logical and reasonable does not take away creativity and emotions. Logics help you channel your emotions, creativity towards the right (the positive, less risky, more optimistic direction) direction . Logics give you directions and instructions to which you should further explore in order to establish yourself outside the box.

Combining strategic thinking with your creativity not only help you to clearly define your goals and expectations with efficiency, but also help you to understand and analyse what others did before, what you are doing now, and how will your actions define what is coming next.

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