Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Opportunities ahead

Undoubtedly US is still the most powerful economic nation in the world, judging by the magnitude of effects that its recent financial crisis had (still has) on the world economy. There is reason why US dollar is the most widely used currency in global market, all the most precious resources, such as gold and oil (maybe fresh water?) are quantified according to USD. This is why if US market collapse, every market around the world will also plunge.

The crisis is deep, but not unrecoverable, given some time, the market will gradually recover. Foreign investments are still pouring into the US at this time when the prices (real estates, stocks, etc) are at their record lows. "There is already a two year lineup to purchase multi-million dollar penthouses above Manhattan skyline" a reliable source says (mostly European and Chinese investors). Everyone around the world seem to have faith that its just a matter of time before the US will a relief for the investors who have saved some spare change over the past years waiting for this perfect moment to enter the prepared to make some $$ over the next 3 decades.

Remember, investment is a gamble, if you don't know what you are doing, you should diversify your funds and aim for long term return. The goal is always to invest in good business with durable long term competitive advantage and is currently offered at a bargain price due to consumer inconfidence.

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