Friday, February 27, 2009

"當一個人開心的時候 要多做一點事
當一個人不開心的時候 要多讀一點書" -王徫中

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



"有三個在運作中的巨大力量:感恩的療癒力、接收的信心力,以及歡笑和喜悅消除體內疾病的治療力" -胡自強

只要你相信,一切都是可能的 !


Monday, February 23, 2009


Have 70% confidence and 30% skepticism in your current belief is the most efficient way to evolve to a better and unimaginable belief over time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

"怒已一過 則萬過必因之而生
從人一善 則萬善必因之而起

進步要在心平氣和中才能求得 (critical thinking)
人緣要在隨喜服務中才能培養 (trust)

有志不在年高 有理不在聲大
有心不在言表 有才不在現用" - 佛光菜根譚

Thursday, February 19, 2009


"人生的機會實在太多了 散的滿地都是 但是你必須懂如何彎下腰去撿
它才會是屬於你的. 你所期盼的機會 不會從腳下傳到你手裡" - 謝先生

Monday, February 16, 2009

"能夠隨緣不變 行事才有目標原則
能夠不變隨緣 做人才能收放自如

一個人心量有多大 事業就有多大
一個人心能容多少 成就就有多少

真正的富有 是歡喜而不是財富
真正的貧窮 是無知而不是無錢" - 佛光菜根譚

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What versus How

What versus How - chicken or the egg?

which is more important, which comes first:
1. What you do? or...
2. How you do it?

Innovation is not only based on inventing new objects (question of What), but inventing a new way of doing the old things (question of How). This new way of doing - the How, if successfully executed (the ability to provide convenience to generate enough desires for it to become a necessity), will eventually generate the new objects and contents associated with the What.

Ex: The web changes how our everyday tasks are done traditionally using an instant globally-networked platform. Consequently new objects are invented such as blogs, emails, Google earth, facebook, ebay, etc - creating new jobs, and responsibilities (the "What").

There is already enough "What" out there, now it is the "How" that becomes more important.

"New technology requires a re-definition of old skills" - Mark Meadows

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Democratize Information

"Nothing is impossible, its just that you don't know how its done. Once you do know, then everything gets a lot easier. That is why information is so vital to our survival and evolution."

Support free info !

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Design in the Age of Expression

How will design...

"Manage abundance, not scarcity"* - We over I, challenges from open-source anonymous designers

"Make mistakes well"* - question of multidiscipline, challenge design itself to breach boundaries

"Give up control"* - response to customization, user desired design, user driven design, allow feedback loop

"Get out of the way"* - bottom up/outside-in over top down/inside out authorship (survival versus evolution)

"Offer lower prices (free is better)"* - competition, mass-customization & fabrication over construction

Design will become a platform serves to establish its survival (via designers) while nurture natural evolution (via inhabitants).

Design need the ability to amass, filter, and synthesis info into logically innovative cultural values.

*Thinking strategies used by Google, listed in the book "What would Google Do" by Jeff Jarvis

Who says what design is?

"Who says what design is ?" - Eric Owen Moss
Everyone, therefore it is "What says who design is?" that matters.
Simply put: "What is design?"

Design is an interface that stands between an idea and people;
thus the process of communicating that idea is designed.

It is intention,

it is language,

it is meaning,

it is value,

it is conversation,

it is art,

it is fiction,

it is computation,

it is brand,

it is business,

It is manufacturing of convenience and necessity

it is synergy between Left & Right Brain….

… thus it is innovative logic,

and thus it is entrepreneurial management.

Good design create an audience using an idea, and in doing so, establishes value and meaning.

創意 就是創造有形與無形中的含意
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So "What says who design is ?"

Anything is designable,
and thus everything could be designed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Tetrahedrons are the building blocks of nature, they are also the basic building blocks of business. " - Buckminster Fuller

True business tetrahedron consists of four parts: business owner, specialist, employees, and investors.
"Get through your fears and the world will open up, give into your fears and your world will get smaller every year." - wise old man from Honolulu