Monday, February 22, 2010

Smart Homes

Imagine all the systems in your home (hvac, electrical, hyrdo, lighting, security, electronics/appliances, motion/environmental sensors) are linked wirelessly to a central computer interface at home, with a dashboard and guage/meter giving direct quantitative feedbacks to the performance and consumption volume for each of these systems. An algorithm could be set up to run all these linked systems (by switching on the 'energy-saving mode like on your laptop) that respond to changing weather conditions, occupancy load, and fluctuation in utility pricing throughout the day to avoid costly peak hour consumptions. You could also override the system via your smart phone by inputing your own custom preferences with regards to your lifestyle behaviour, routine activities, and personal comfort.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mass customization

Laminated timber framed roof covered in transulent fiberglass + teflon textile designed by Shigeru Ban for Center Pompidou in Metz France. Each of 1800 individual timer beam is unique in size and cut robotically by a 5 axis CNC mill. Parametric modeling (done by swiss firm designtoproduction) makes mass customization possible. Total cost of custom roof is 8 million euro, representing approx. 13% of total construction cost (65 million).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daymond John in 5

1. "Luck is when desire and fate meets opportunities"...the harder you work, the luckier you get.

2. "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing"

3. "Sacrifice is giving up something of lesser value for something of greater value."

4. "If you work for money, one day will seem like forever. But if you work for love, forever will seem like one day."

5. "The world is full of talented people who are technically proficient but lack the drive or the instincts or the contacts to make a meaningful impact."

- Daymond John, Co-founder/CEO/Brand-master of FUBU.
source: "Display of Power" 2007

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


"Losing is a part of winning, anybody who try only to win and never to lose could never ever win" - Robert Kiyosaki

"Failure is an option, fear is not." - James Cameron, TED speech

"Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me...It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default." - J.K.. Rowling, Harvard Speech

Simply said, failure is a learning process of becoming successful if you choose to learn from those failures. Picasso and Jobs are always risking failures... There's no doubt that you will fail several times in your life, but its how you respond to failure that's more important.

How do you know what success is if you haven't fail?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NY Times Invention of the Year 2010

It is only when people witness the consequences of their actions in person that they start taking their actions seriously.

NY Times Best invention of the year 2009: Energy Hub

An device connected to your electric meter at home showing every bit of your electricity usage and the amount of $$ you're spending for every light/appliance/etc you choose to turn on. Information in this case is used to generate behavioral awareness about consumption habits of homeowners.