Saturday, April 11, 2009


天分就如同我們所說的"奇蹟" - 用來比喻科學目前無法解釋的現象, 表達我們對此方面邏輯的缺乏, 也因此才以 "天才, 天分, 奇蹟, 命運" 等同意詞 來彌補缺口 暫時給於相同的共識(definition).


“If I don't practice one day, I know it; two days, the critics know it; three days, the public knows it.” - Jascha Heifetz, Violinist

看來 Heifetz 非常相信 別人賜予他"天才小提情家"的封號 是他以無數的時間 汗
血換來的, 而並非以隨意的"天分"兩字來帶過

"很多人都寧願相信 自己是有天分的天才, 只要投身適合的事業, 他們的天分變自然會發揮出來...
這想法很危險; 每當遇上困難 便會認命, 以為自己沒那天分 無法更上一層樓 因此認命 安然放棄.
其實不管做什麼事情 都會面臨氣餒絕望的困境 要是拿不出堅毅的鬥志突圍 我們便容易一生無成," 隨命運漂泊 與宰割 - 黎智英

不能怪無天分 無命運 人生會有很多出乎意料的事(命) 考驗你的是如何藉此而逆爭上緣(運).

命運皆是機會...考驗的是你的 堅毅 耐力

Every idea has potentials, more importantly it's how far you can take. Life's the same.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


落雨聲 哪親像一條歌誰知影 阮越頭嘸敢聽
異鄉的我 一個人起畏寒 寂寞的雨聲 捶阮心肝
人孤單 像斷翅的鳥只 飛袂行 咁講是阮的命
故鄉的山 永遠攏站置遐 阮的心晟只有講乎山來聽
來到故鄉的海岸 景色猶原攏總無變化
當初離開是為啥 你若問阮阮心肝來疼
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
出社會走闖塊甲人拼輸贏 為著啥 家己嘸知影
你若欲友孝世大嘸免等好額 世間有阿母惜的囝仔尚好命
嘸通等成功欲來接阿母住 阿母啊 已經無置遐
哭出聲 無人惜命命

給你們的歌, 恩...母親節快樂

Friday, April 3, 2009

Revival of Knowledge Economy?

In 2006, the world produces over 1.5 X 10^18 bytes of information....this is more than what we produced over the past 500o years.

In 15 minutes, we produce enough information to fill the Library of Congress than itself did over 200 years.

The amount of information published by the New York Times per week is more than an 18th Century individual acquire in a lifetime.

We sent out more text messages a day than our entire population.

New technological knowledge doubles every two years, what students learned in their first two years at college will soon become outdated once they reached senior years. By 2010, it will double every 72 hours.

Google processes an average of 2.7 billion searches a month in 2006. In B.G. (Before Google) Era, who do people turn to when researching and asking questions?

One 3G wire could transfer over 10 Tetrabyte/sec of data, equivalent to 2127 dvd, or 150 million phone calls/sec. This transferring capacity is projected to triple every 6 months over the next 20 years.

Above stats are projected 2006, already 3 years behind... imagine what these figures would be now...


"The top 10 most demanding jobs of 2010 may not have existed in 2004, therefore we need to educate students on how to invest their time in jobs that have yet existed, use technologies that have yet being invented, and solve issues that have yet appeared" - Richard Riley, former US Secretary of Education

Perhaps How to teach is more pivotal than What to teach...

What school needs to teach is habit and attitude, its combination of these two which will give you opportunities. Content is simply a supporting material that substantiates the value of developing good habits and attitudes.
Too much of anything is a bad thing

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stefan Sagmeister in 5

1. "Complaining is silly, either act or forget"

2. "Everything I do always comes back to me"

3. "Trying to look good limits my life"

4. "Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses" (diminishing return)

5. "Having guts always works out for me"

- Stefan Sagmeister, designer

有實踐力非天馬行空, 不是為了叛逆而叛逆,不是為了創意而搞爭議,不是為了設計而耍心機 represents Sagmeister's work.