Thursday, September 11, 2008

Slow Space Part II

Slow is the new fast

Slowing down or being ‘unplugged’ does not mean abandoning all technologies that have offered us comfort, or eloping from our cities to live in the countryside. Be slow means to be able to control your own pace, learn when to go fast, when to be slow, and when to be in between. Sometimes taking power naps between long working hours is more beneficial to productivity; it clears your mind, so you come back more sharp and focused. Other times its best to go for a walk than sitting at your desk in order to be inspired to solve complex issues. Quite often our most creative and thoughtful ideas submerge while we are in the shower, half asleep, or even staring out the window and do nothing. Slowing down allows our body to establish intimate relationships to our minds, allowing us to think deeper below the surface rather than reaching for quick but shallow solutions. This may help us to enjoy the process more by establishing meaningful connections with what we do, and thus improving quality of our lives. We need more Slow Space in our urban environment to provide us the opportunities to slow down - something that our ‘wired’ homes failed to do.


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