Thursday, September 25, 2008


(男)你不就該拒絕我 不該放任我的追求
給我渴望的故事 留下丟不掉的名字

(女)時間難倒回 空間易破碎
二十四小時的愛情 是我一生難忘的美麗回憶

(男)越過道德的邊境 我們走過愛的禁區
享受幸福的錯覺 誤解了快樂的意義

(女)是誰太勇敢 說喜歡離別
只要今天不要明天 眼睜睜看著愛從指縫中溜走



(合唱)願被你拋棄 就算了解而分離



(合唱)愛恨消失前 用手溫暖我的臉



Friday, September 12, 2008



一盞黃黃舊舊的燈 時間在旁悶不吭聲
寂寞下手毫無分寸 不懂得輕重之分
沉默支撐躍過陌生 靜靜看著凌晨黃昏
妳的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉

黑暗已在空中盤旋 該往哪我看不見
也許愛在夢的另一端 無法存活在真實的空間

思緒不斷阻擋著回憶播放 盲目的追尋仍然空空盪盪
灰濛濛的夜晚睡意又不知躲到哪去 一轉身孤單已躺在身旁

沉默支撐躍過陌生 靜靜看著凌晨黃昏 妳的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Slow Space Part II

Slow is the new fast

Slowing down or being ‘unplugged’ does not mean abandoning all technologies that have offered us comfort, or eloping from our cities to live in the countryside. Be slow means to be able to control your own pace, learn when to go fast, when to be slow, and when to be in between. Sometimes taking power naps between long working hours is more beneficial to productivity; it clears your mind, so you come back more sharp and focused. Other times its best to go for a walk than sitting at your desk in order to be inspired to solve complex issues. Quite often our most creative and thoughtful ideas submerge while we are in the shower, half asleep, or even staring out the window and do nothing. Slowing down allows our body to establish intimate relationships to our minds, allowing us to think deeper below the surface rather than reaching for quick but shallow solutions. This may help us to enjoy the process more by establishing meaningful connections with what we do, and thus improving quality of our lives. We need more Slow Space in our urban environment to provide us the opportunities to slow down - something that our ‘wired’ homes failed to do.


Slow Space Part I

“Life is about exploring the world, and our reactions to it, at our own speed." - Carl Honore*

In an era of information super-highway, where notions of speed and productivity dominates how we value the way we live and work, we have forgotten the pivotal role of our home as a refuge for us to rest and slow down.

Rapid expansion of Global Capitalism and technological advancements over decades has forced us to accelerate almost every aspect of our lives.
Satellites, Cell phones, computers, internet, microwaves, electronic gadgets, automobiles, television, etc - all have convinced us to work faster, talk faster, eat faster, travel faster, shop faster, and play faster. Our hurry lifestyle consequently has a detrimental effect on the traditional role of our home. Home has lost its value as a place that could offer tranquility; instead it has utterly become an extension of our workplace adapting to our hurried lifestyle.

Technology were initially invented to provide convenience and free ourselves from work, but ironically, two centuries after the first Industrial Revolution began, we now work longer hours than ever before just to catch up with ever-rising expectations of our modern society. Even at home, we standby 24/7 answering business calls, checking emails and fax sent from clients overseas, net meeting with colleagues over the internet, and making tasteless microwave food just to spare more time for work after meal. Even if we do receive empty time, we rather spend it on watching televisions, chatting on msn with friends, and browsing through friend’s YouTube or Facebook profiles, than spending quality time to slow ourselves down. Our ‘wired’ homes could no longer provide ourselves the opportunities to feel ‘unplugged’.


This world uses too much left brain

This world uses too much left brain…..

All numbers, logical, rational, economical,

Attempt to do everything right, but ultimately what for? To get to the next faster, but always trapped in the endless cycle of speed, everything keeps on coming when you go faster…so set your own goals to beat….knowing when is enough, when you can enjoy, don’t get trapped in cycle of speed, and don’t get used by others

In the end, what matters most is what you enjoyed, not what you have rushed through

The world lacks feelings, intellect, psychological nourishment, poetics, connection to mind and body.

Material culture, no materials will last till the end but your feelings for others….quality, not quantity, as simple as that.

By Yuki

This world communicates too much

This world communicates too much

Too much talking results in distractions

Society consumes communication (one way), rather than attempting to understand (2 way loop with feedback).

We don’t always need to talk in order to proceed

Humans have brilliant individual minds to think powerfully critically imaginatively, given the right time, but when they are forced to communicate quickly to let others understand, they compromise their thoughts, generate more misunderstanding than understanding, complex thoughts (with emotions attached) becomes simplified (rationalized, simplified) in order to tell stories to others so they could understand…..interpreting boils down to talking…..personal becomes status quote, bibles, music notes are the most over-communicated mediums in contemporary, leaving no room for self interpretation/enlightenment. How to create something (a text) that can multiply in meaning specific to each individuals?

We should interpret more rather than talking more.

We need a better communication method than language, language sets barriers to understand our inner thoughts.

We are afraid our thoughts not being accepted by others, we lack our confidence and faith in believing our thoughts, that’s why we are forced to communicate,

But in return is Misunderstanding, everyone stereotypes, everyone wants to understand others, but in reality, they want others to understand themselves, forcing others into their own thoughts and labels.

Everything becomes others not yours, everything is perceived by society via consensus, not your own. We should not communicate too much.

Everyone compromise themselves (by being simple) in order to be understood by others,

Everyone looses ingenuity, complexity in order to communicate.

Too much communication, learn not to speed to others, listen to your own mind, your own body. Not being selfish, but being aware.

Wondering what the world would be like without communication, without language.

There was a period in the pre-historic where homo-sapiens did not speak a language, how did they know each other’s thoughts, did they need communications to live?

Plug your ears for an hour a day and listen, you will realize there is no such thing as ‘silence’, in fact, it is only “the absence of unintended sounds”* that are much richer and have yet to be explored.


*Quote by John Cage

Sunday, September 7, 2008

給關心我的人 幫助守護我的回憶

有多久沒見你 以為你在哪裡
原來就住在我心底 陪伴著我的呼吸
有多遠的距離 以為聞不到你氣息
誰知道你背影這麼長 回頭就看到你

過去讓它過去 來不及
從頭喜歡你 白雲纏繞著藍天
也至少給我們懷念的勇氣 擁抱的權利
好讓你明白 我心動的痕跡

總是想再見你 還試著打探你消息

