Saturday, November 21, 2009

Edward de Bono in 5

1. "Proof may be no more than the lack of imagination."

2. "The natural tendency of mind is toward certainty, security and arrogance...We need to pay equal attention to possibility...possibility is the key to creativity."

3. "Information may be about facts, but the way the information is seen is a matter of perception."

4. "We are very happy with what we have because we cannot conceive of anything better- and until we can conceive of something better we are not motivated to look for it."

5. "When everything becomes a commodity what is going to matter is the ability to design and deliver values. That needs creative and design thinking."

- Edward de Bono, an expert on creative thinking


"Fear limits our options, strangles creativity, restricts our vision of what is possible. If we're lost in fear, we view any change as a threat, and the unfamiliar as a mortal enemy."- Michelle Graves

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

恩人們...我一定 - 忘不了




只有你和我, 直到永~遠


Friday, November 6, 2009

Li Ka-Shing in 5

1. "The strength of a nation and its people depend on education and medical care. These are the country's roots. And like a tree, the deeper its roots, the more flourishing its branches and foliage."

2. "You can use your skills to earn respect, but you will only touch others with your contributions."

3. "Perhaps the key to success is to identify your moral and intellectual coordinates. A life without principles is a life without direction."

4. "I believe in freedom as I believe in responsibility."

5. "Your life is meaningful if you can honestly say that you have done your best to do some good."

- Li Ka-Shing - Chairman, Cheung Kong & Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"You can't improve unless you want to improve." - Lebron James

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Advice from the Dragons

Robert Herjavec, CEO - Herjavec Group (internet security):

"Work hard, have fun, be nice, play fair, dream big. We only get one chance at this, one life to live. If you're going to play this game, play it to win."

Brett Wilson, Chairman - Prairie Merchant (Venture Capital):

"Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be better."

" is about balancing passion with priorities. Simply being excited is wandering aimlessly. And a plan with no passion is empty."

Kevin O'Leary, O'Leary Funds:

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You have to get up in the morning after the worst day you ever had and go back to work."

"It's true that money doesn't buy you happiness, but it sure makes misery a lot easier to take."
"None of us own our lives - we are all living on borrowed time, if you're going to do it - do it now!" - Oprah