Monday, July 27, 2009

"its nice to be important, but even more important to be nice" - Peter Li

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Client point of view

"Our relationship to architecture is less that of a driver to a vehicle than of a consumer to a meal. The consumer (inhabitants) is concerned not with the evolutionary process and pressures that lead an animal (building) to take a certain form but with what tastes and textures results from that process (such as atmosphere)." - Reiser Umemoto Architects in Atlas of Novel Tectonics

What makes a building appreciative by the inhabitants is not necessarily the methodologies and techniques implemented during the process of creating the project, but the (perceivable) environmental qualities given as the result of using these methodologies and techniques. Inhabitants must feel the difference.

Driver to vehicle: Eisenman's House Series
Consumer to meal: OMA's Seattle Library.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"...當人心變成市場 市場變成戰場 戰場埋葬多少理想
回想著理想稀薄的希望 走著鋼索我的剛強..."- 阿信/五月天

10/90 Rule

10% of movies at Hollywood Box office occupies 90% of ticket sales
10% of available online music accounts for 90% of total downloads
10% of dvds in Netflix inventory gets rented more than 1000 times a quarter year

The hit-driven culture thus explains why 10% of population controls 90% of wealth

but all that is changing....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

MAD on Context

"建筑師在爭議說應不應該建造有地方特色的房子。我覺得那不是建筑師要負擔的責任,因為一個地方的特色 本來就存在了,所有老的、有價值的文化載體,除了建筑屋,還有其他的東西。我們要做的,是考慮當代社會需要什么,然後做未來的東西,那樣你才能把這個地區 的Identity一步一步推前走,讓這個地方更丰富。...我們活著是為了未來,但是我們需要知道歷史,老房子是我們生活的一部分,但是用不著大家都生活在過去。我們了解過去是為了知道以後要怎樣生活,但是為了正確的往前走,我們則要了解歷史." - 馬岩松, Mad Architects

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Creative Endurance

"As the careers of numerous writers, singers, and business people demonstrate, the true test of creativity isn't the first hit product. It's coming up with a second success." - Martin Peers, the Wall Street Journal

Monday, July 6, 2009

Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism means learning not to say 'No'

Saying "Yes" opens up new set of possibilities

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"遇到問題時要 面對 接受 處理 放下" - 小鐘